Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Tobacco and Its Negative Effects - 535 Words
In 6,000 BC, it was believed by experts that tobacco plant was first being grown in North and South America. The seed of a tobacco plant is very small, and contains about 300,000 seeds in a 1 ounce small plant. American Indians began using tobacco in different ways, religious, and medical practices. It was used to kill pain, if someone had a toothache they would use the tobacco to stop the pain and to fill a wound. Sailors brought back tobacco to Europe, and they started growing plants all over. The reason they started growing in Europe, was they believed that it cured almost anything, from cancer to bad breath. As tobacco was very popular for medical reasons, it became accepted to be a social thing in America and Europe. By the end of the 20th century, physicians identified that people using tobacco for long term has consequences. The way people who smoked tobacco smoked it from a pipe, cigar, and some even chewed it. Now a day’s people just smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes are a primary method by which nicotine was introduced into the body. Each puff of cigarette puts in a small amount of nicotine into the body, and goes straight to the brain. A person who smokes two packs a day gets 400 doses of nicotine each day. The lethal dose of nicotine for an average adult is 60mg, and an average cigarette is 10mg, and 25% of the nicotine enters the blood stream. All the stuff about nicotine was not publicly told for many years. People who worked in Tobacco Company’s knewShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects of Tobacco1424 Words  | 6 PagesThe Negative Effects of Tobacco The nicotine can be consumed by chewing tobacco apart from smoking and sniffing .The article provides insight into the hazards of chewing tobacco . If you believe that only smoking is injurious, certainly not. Any form of nicotine consumption is injurious. Tobacco is bad for health, no matter in what form you take it the ill effects are always there. 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Tobacco products such as, snuff and chewing tobacco also contribute to similar health issues and risk. The idea of banning smoking and tobacco products is great because it could prevent millions of deaths yearly. There are many different negative side effects that come along with the use and smoking of tobacco. Smoking tobacco is often referred to as a â€Å"slow death†, because it shortens a person’s life expectancy. The use of tobacco often leads to many differentRead MoreThe Effects Of Smoking On The Baby893 Words  | 4 Pagesall the negative short and long term effects it has on their baby? The fact that this is becoming more accepted in today’s world to smoke while pregnant is completely unacceptable. The list of negative effects that smoking while pregnant have on the baby range from premature labor to brain defects. Clinical studies have proven the negative short and long term effects that smoking while pregnant can have on a baby. 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