Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom University Education essay
buy custom University Education essay People have always disagreed on the importance and relevance of university education. Some people argue that this education had meaning in the past, but it has lost meaning in the recent years. Those against tertiary education say that the education exposes students to unfair competition, which may discourage the students, who are bright. Others believe that the world is evolving and that a different system of education should be introduced. However, the fact remains that this education is particularly vital since the learners learn a lot from it. It exposes students to a different world from which they used to know. This exposure helps them to become self reliant, and it prepares them for future life. This education also enables them to choose their careers, which they rely on in their whole life. Discussion Secondary students should not view university as only a different level in the learning process. Rather, they should consider it as a component of human development, which is valuable. Tertiary education does not only provide skills, required in the labor market, at a higher level. University education provides essential training for doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, civil servants, humanists, scientists, entrepreneurs, social scientists, and other relevant personnel. The mentioned individuals provide necessary analytical skills that help in driving the economies. They also make certain vital decisions within the society. In todays world, people should have the necessary education given the effects of globalization, importance of knowledge to sphere head growth, and the revolution regarding Information, Communication Technology (ICT) revolution. The demand for educated labour is being reconfigured by technology, KPDS DS A + PLUS English's. We all know that gaining knowledge and applying that knowledge in the field is necessary for economic development. Without knowledge, a country would suffer from lack of competitive advantage, which is essential for any global economy. It is also appealing that access to computers has become easy. The cost of telecommunication has also gone down, hence affordable to many. People, therefore, should not give any excuse for not accessing university education, and acquiring skills. A World Bank study, done recently, indicates that a world economy, which is inclusive, can be created though growth and poverty eradication. This can only be possible if many people agreed to acquire higher education by joining colleges and universities and colleges of higher learning. This study took place in two developing countries, which integrated themselves into the global economy. These countries having participated in higher learning, experienced reduced poverty, improved health services, improved economic growth, increase the average wage, increased Growth Domestic Product (GDP). These countries recorded the highest education levels in world rankings. Studies also show that tertiary education helps to promote social cohesion, which is necessary for economic growth and development. The education plays a role in institutions building, bringing up favorable governance structures and constructing proper regulatory frameworks. A person will not have a comfortable life without a g ood education, which many consider, to be university education (Newton, 2002). University education can be said to be a requirement, which is unique to make life comfortable. It may not be a basic requirement, but given the current competition, one should have it to lead a comfortable life. In this case, we can say that higher education should include both college and university education. With tertiary education, an individual can secure himself a decent job. Obtaining a post secondary Credential qualifications are tightly correlated with earnings, said David Autor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). With a good job, it means one will be earning a reasonable salary, which will make him afford the necessities in life as well as the luxuries. People who have attended a university tend to gain skills that help them when they leave school. They become more mature than those who are secondary school dropouts, perhaps because of the life they lead while at the campus. The many assignments and research work given to them also play a vital role in shaping th eir lives. They are able to research on their own without the help of a teacher, and this helps them to become knowledgeable. University education, for example, helps people to improve their social status by improving job prospects. Some other people attend a university, to develop their character and knowledge, which they did not have previously. This leads to self-improvement. In the university, individuals are able to specialize, say sciences or even arts. These areas are further specialized into specific areas. For example, a person can go to a university with an aim of studying science. He may further specialize be picking a unit such as Biology, and that becomes his area of specialization. Earning a title such as a doctor, a teacher or any other title makes some people feel proud ofthemselves. This gives them a respectable social status. Some other individuals go for higher learning, simply to help humankind, having gained enough knowledge. These are the people, whose certain careers make their passion. Some other individuals will dedicate their lives to doing research at the university. This research helps them to come up with things not known initially. For example, a researcher may come up with a cure for a deadly disease such as Aids after doing research. An individual can view the word in a rational manner by gaining tertiary education. Ignorance becomes eliminated through higher education and many mysteries get resolved also through education. Once an individual gets university education, he can see the facts that are there in life. It is crucial to note that it is not all individuals, who are lucky enough to have tertiary education. Such people should get online tertiary education, which currently available. Distance learning is also an option to those people who want to pursue tertiary education. Through the advancement of technology, many colleges and universities offer various course online and, in fact, many people can access them so long as they have access to the internet. The world today is constantly changing, and a lot will be expected from the citizens since world demands have also increased. People should not feel that they spend a lot on education since money cannot be compared with what we get through education. The course is a lifetime thing, and with tertiary education, people can be capable of taking home more money than if they did not get the education. Competition is also a challenge. Nowadays almost everyone from secondary school is joining either a college or a university. Without either of education, an individual will not be able to compete competitively with other people (Fabbris, 2009). With a higher education, a person will get a decent job, hence considerable money. In an educational meeting at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Thomas Malone said, Many students are now enrolling for higher education. University education enables people to increase their earning potential. For example, a judge earns much money and cannot be compared with an individual who did not receive tertiary education. Earning money, in deed, is the basic thing as to why people prefer to go to a tertiary school. All of us would love to be employed some day in a strong position where they will be earning some large sum of money. Was it not for money many people would not attend tertiary schools; leaving a lone primary and secondary schools. Students who have never paid bill may never know how powerful money is, but their parents should take the responsibility to explain to them. However, money should not be the sole motivator when it comes to choosing careers. We should go to the field tha t we love most, and that way we would become proficient, efficient, and reliable employees or workers (Eugene Holsworth 2010). University education is also beneficial as it helps individuals to have the best insurance. Insurance in this case means that one will have a competitive edge as compared to those who did not attend a tertiary school. The best employments opportunities always go to those will higher education, such as college or university education. In the job advertisements, which we see in the newspapers or on the internet, they always ask for such qualifications. Therefore, if one does not have such qualifications, as required by the company, he does not get the job opportunity. Nowadays, employers want employees who have rounded skills and qualifications. In fact, currently skills prevail over experience. Tertiary education exposes students to several principles and ideas, and this exposure is what employers want when undergoing the recruitment process. Once a person gets tertiary education, he gains confidence, and especially, self-confidence. Students with this education, and who have gained self-confidence tend to believe in themselves, and prove more efficient in their work. This confidence helps them at both the personal level, as well as the professional level. A person with confidence will be able to get out there, and look for a job. Such a person will also be able to do other thorough job when given the chance. Companies are nowadays looking for employees who will do work with little supervision. Such a person must have self confidence. Tertiary education is, therefore, necessary. When an individual proves that he has confidence, the company will automatically pick him, and retain him in that job through giving him right remuneration. According to Washburn, 2005, University learning is the best way to prepare students to flourish in a globalized world. Students outlook becomes improved when a person attends a university or a college. Apart from receiving the degree, an individual leaves university with characters that are crucial in day to day activities. For example, most university alumni are able to relate with their job colleagues because of the exposure given to them while at the university. In the university, they meeet people from different countries, regions, and people with different background and culture. Within the four years at the university, they learn how to cope with these diverse groups of people. Virtues such as honesty, compassion, empathy, and sympathy get acquired while in the college or at the university. Individuals who posses these virtues are always able to relate with other people, hence advantageous relations in the workplace or elsewhere. An important point to note is that university education should be given to both men and women. Now that, women have understood the role of education, nowadays they are joining even courses such as Engineering, previously associated with men. According to Chronicle of higher education, A university education is still a prerequisite for entering some of the great guilds, such as medicine and law. We also have women who are politicians, prime ministers, computer scientist, among others. When women receive university education they become helpful people in the society. They become able to provide for the family lightening the burden on their husbands. Women who have acquired university education are usually self-reliant. They can make their own decisions and are able to fight for their rights, since they know them. This leads to women empowerment. When everyone gets a chance to receive higher education, the society shall become a changed one because people will not be ignorant. The fight against social inequalities that exist in society is only possible through the achievement of equality in access to higher education. University education is practical in most countries. The practical nature of education exposes students to real life issues, which they learn how to handle themselves. Access to university education should not be based on cost. Some students are bright, but they end up not accessing the education because of its affordability. Some people view this as discrimination. To study in a reputable university such as Harvard University, one must invest a lot of money in education. This money is not always available especially to the poor. This leads to wasting a potential student, who would have become a key person in the future. Governments should get measures to ensure that whoever gets university entry qualification, in deed, joins a university of his choice. The governments should find a way of subsidizing education in such institutions. One of the ways to solve the problem of cost is to set up such institutions in almost each continent and review the criteria for admission in to such institutions. For example, loans, which are refundable after getting a job, should be offered to the needy students. The governments should fund the public universities to ensure that students get admission without straining their parents so much. Conclusion It is noteworthy that individuals understand the importance of this education even though some people argue that university education is not necessary. The education can termed as expensive, but the benefits reaped after the four years cannot be compared with the fees paid to acquire the university degree. From the discussion above, it is crystal clear that a person cannot secure formal employment opportunities without either college education or university education. All the companies look for skills and knowledge, which can only be acquired through joining an institute of higher learning. University education also shapes individuals by making them responsible people. Once a nation gets responsible individuals, growth and development of such a nation becomes positive. The level of unemployment drops and the level poverty goes down, as well. When people get a university education, they rarely engage in criminal activities. Reduction of crime rate is helpful in encouraging investment, in a country.This is because the investors will not be insecure fearing that their businesses may be robbed leading to losses. University education should be open to all people; the poor and the rich, the old and the young, and men and women. All people have equal capabilities in terms of learning. The researcher also established that some poor people are not able to access university or college education because of the high costs involved. The government, therefore, should fund the public universities. Poor, bright students should be given scholarships by the government and private bodies. This would help to ensure education to everyone. For the average income earners who also find that university education is expensive, they should enroll for online programs, which are a bit cheaper as compared to regular classes. The advancing technology and global changes mean that higher education to students should be emphasized. Computers are changing day after day and now that their use is everywhere; in the hospitals, offices, schools, among other places, people need university education to operate such machines. Research also needs to be done, and for an individual to research on something, he must have higher education, especially from a recognized university. The importance of university education ought to be emphasized to everyone. Buy custom University Education essay
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Julius Caesar Summary and Study Guide
Julius Caesar Summary and Study Guide J​ulius Caesar may have been the greatest man of all times. His birth date was July 12/13, probably in the year 100 B.C., although it may have been in 102 B.C. Caesar died March 15, 44 B.C., which date is known as the Ides of March. By age 39/40, Julius Caesar had been a widower, divorce, governor (propraetor) of Further Spain, captured by pirates, hailed imperator by adoring troops, quaestor, aedile, consul, named to an important priesthood, and elected pontifex maximus (although he may not have been installed) a lifelong honor usually reserved for the end of a mans career. What was left for his remaining 16/17 years? That for which Julius Caesar was most well known: the Triumvirate, military victories in Gaul, the dictatorship, civil war, and, finally, assassination. Julius Caesar was a general, a statesman, a lawgiver, an orator, an historian, and a mathematician. His government (with modifications) endured for centuries. He never lost a war. He fixed the calendar. He created the first news sheet, Acta Diurna, which was posted on the forum to let everyone who cared to read it know what the Assembly and Senate were up to. He also instigated an enduring law against extortion. Caesar vs. the Aristocracy He traced his ancestry to Romulus, putting him in as aristocratic a position as possible, but his association with his uncle Marius populism put Julius Caesar in political hot water with many of his social class. Under the penultimate Roman king, Servius Tullius, the patricians developed as the privileged class. The patricians then took over as the ruling class when the Roman people, who were fed up with kings, drove out Servius Tullius murderer and successor. This Etruscan king of Rome was referred to as Tarquinius Superbus Tarquin the Proud. With the end of the period of kings, Rome entered into the period of the Roman Republic. At the start of the Roman Republic, the Roman people were mainly farmers, but between the fall of the monarchy and the rise of Julius Caesar, Rome changed dramatically. First, it mastered Italy; then it turned its sights to the Carthaginian hold on the Mediterranean, to gain supremacy over which it needed a fighting naval force. Citizen fighters left their fields prey to land speculators, although if all went well, they returned home with ample booty. Rome was building its remarkable empire. Between slaves and the conquered wealth, the hard-working Roman became the luxury-seeking spendthrift. Real work was carried out by slaves. A rural lifestyle gave way to urban sophistication. Rome Avoided Kings The governing style that developed as an antidote to monarchy originally included severe limitations on the power of any one individual. But by the time large-scale, enduring wars became the norm, Rome needed powerful leaders whose terms would not end mid-battle. Such men were called dictators. They were supposed to step down after the crisis for which they were appointed, although during the late Republic, Sulla had put his own time limits on his term as dictator. Julius Caesar became dictator for life (literally, perpetual dictator). Note: Although Julius Caesar may have been the permanent dictator, he was not the first Roman emperor. The conservatives resisted change, seeing the downfall of the Republic in every nuance of reform. Thus Julius Caesars murder was incorrectly hailed by them as the only way back to the old values. Instead, his murder led to the rise of, first, civil war, and next, the first Roman princeps (from which we get the word prince), whom we refer to as the Emperor Augustus.​ There are only a few names of the great men and women of the ancient world whom almost everyone recognizes. Among these is the last dictator of the Roman Republic, Julius Caesar, whose assassination Shakespeare immortalized in his play, Julius Caesar. Here are some of the main points to know about this great Roman leader. 1. Caesars Birth Julius Caesar was probably born 3 days before the Ides of July, in 100 B.C. That date would be July 13. Other possibilities are that he was born on July 12 in 100 B.C. or that he was born on July 12 or 13 in the year 102 B.C. 2. Caesars Pedigreed Family His fathers family was from the patrician gens of the Julii. The Julii traced its lineage to the first king of Rome, Romulus, and the goddess Venus or, instead of Romulus, to Venus grandson Ascanius (aka Iulus or Jullus; whence Julius). One patrician branch of the Julian gens was called Caesar. [See Surnames of the Julii from UNRV.] Julius Caesars parents were Gaius Caesar and Aurelia, daughter of Lucius Aurelius Cotta. 3. Familial Ties Julius Caesar was related by marriage to Marius. The first 7-time consul, Marius supported the and opposed Sulla. Sulla supported the optimates. (It is common, but inaccurate to consider the optimates like the conservative party and the populares like the liberal party of modern political systems.) Perhaps more familiar to military history buffs, Marius drastically reformed the military during the Republican period. 4. Caesar and the Pirates The young Julius went to Rhodes to study oratory, but on his way he was captured by pirates whom he charmed and seemingly befriended. After he was freed, Julius arranged to have the pirates executed. 5. Cursus Honorum QuaestorJulius entered the course of advancement (cursus honorum) in the Roman political system as quaestor in 68 or 69 B.C.Curule AedileIn 65 B.C., Julius Caesar became curule aedile and then managed to be appointed to the position of pontifex maximus, contrary to convention, since he was so young.PraetorJulius Caesar became praetor for 62 B.C. and during that year divorced his second wife for not being above suspicion, in the Bona Dea scandal involving Claudius/Clodius Pulcher.ConsulJulius Caesar won one of the consulships in 59 B.C. The chief advantage for him of this top political position was that following the term in office, he would become governor (proconsul) of a lucrative province.ProconsulAfter his term as consul, Caesar was sent to Gaul as the proconsul. 6. Caesars Promiscuity MistressesJulius Caesar himself was guilty of many extra-marital affairs, with Cleopatra, among others. One of the most significant relations was with Servilia Caepionis, the half-sister of Cato the Younger. Because of this relationship, it was thought possible that Brutus was Julius Caesars son.Male LoverJulius Caesar was taunted all his life with charges of having been the lover of King Nicomedes of Bithynia.WivesJulius Caesar married Cornelia, a daughter of Marius associate, Lucius Cornelius Cinna, then a relative of Pompey named Pompeia, and finally, Calpurnia. 7. Triumvirate Julius Caesar engineered a 3-way division of power with enemies Crassus and Pompey that was known as the Triumvirate. More on the 1st Triumvirate 8. Caesars Prose Second-year Latin students are familiar with the military side of Julius Caesars life. As well as conquering the Gallic tribes, he wrote about the Gallic Wars in clear, elegant prose, referring to himself in the third person. It was through his campaigns that Julius Caesar was finally able to work his way out of debt, although the third member of the triumvirate, Crassus, also helped. Caesars Gallic Wars Commentaries 9.Rubiconand Civil War Julius Caesar refused to obey the command of the Senate, but instead led his troops across the Rubicon river, which started civil war. 10. Ides of March and Assassination Julius Caesar was the Roman dictator with divine honors, but he didnt have a crown. In 44 B.C. conspirators, claiming they feared Julius Caesar was aiming to become king, assassinated Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. More on the Ides of March 11. Caesars Heirs Although Julius Caesar had a living son, Caesarion (not officially acknowledged), Caesarion was an Egyptian, the son of Queen Cleopatra, so Julius Caesar adopted a great nephew, Octavian, in his will. Octavian was to become the first Roman emperor, Augustus. 12. Caesar Trivia Caesar was known to be careful or abstemious in his consumption of wine and was said to have been particular in his hygiene, including having himself depilitated. I dont have a source for this. Major Events in the Timeline of Julius Caesar 102/100 B.C. - July 13/12 - Caesars Birth84 - Caesar marries the daughter of L. Cornelius Cinna75 - Pirates capture Caesar73 - Caesar is elected Pontifex69 - Caesar is quaestor. Julia, Caesars aunt (Marius widow), dies. Cornelia, the wife of Caesar, dies67 - Caesar marries Pompeia65 - Caesar is elected Aedile63 - Caesar is elected Pontifex Maximus62 - Caesar is praetor. Caesar divorces Pompeia61 - Caesar is Propraetor of Further Spain60 - Caesar is elected Consul and forms the Triumvirate59 - Caesar is Consul58 - Caesar defeats the Helvetii and Germans55 - Caesar crosses the Rhine and invades Britain54 - Caesars daughter, who is also Pompeys wife, dies53 - Crassus is killed52 - Clodius is murdered; Caesar defeats Vercingetorix49 - Caesar crosses the Rubicon - Civil War begins48 - Pompey is murdered46 - Thapsus Battle (Tunisia) against Cato and Scipio. Caesar made dictator. (Third time.)45 or 44 (Before Luperca lia) - Caesar is declared dictator for life; literally perpetual dictator* Ides of March - Caesar is assassinated *For most of us, the distinction between perpetual dictator and dictator for life is trivial; however, it is a source of controversy for some. Caesars final step, according to Alfoldi, was a compromise. He had been designated Dictator in perpetuum (Livy Ep. CXVI), or as the coins read, Dictator perpetuo (never, according to Alfoldi p. 36, perpetuus; note that Cicero** cited the dative, dictatori perpetuo, which could fit either form), apparently in the fall of 45 B.C. (Alfoldi pp. 14-15). He had taken up this new dictatorship upon the conclusion of his fourth annual dictatorship on or near February 15. (Mason Hammond. Review of Studien à ¼ber Caesars Monarchie by Andreas Alfà ¶ldi. The Classical Weekly, Vol. 48, No. 7, Feb. 28, 1955, pp. 100-102.) Cicero (106-43 B.C.) and Livy (59 B.C.-A.D. 17) were contemporaries of Caesar. Study Guide Non-Fiction Caesars Final Aims, by Victor Ehrenberg. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 68, (1964), pp. 149-161.Caesar: Life of a Colossus, by Adrian GoldsworthyCaesar, by Christian Meier. 1995Party Politics in the Age of Caesar, by Lily Ross Taylor. Reissued in 1995.The Roman Revolution, by Ronald Syme. 1969. Fiction Colleen McCulloughs Masters of Rome series provides a well researched historical fiction series on Julius Caesar: First Man in RomeThe Grass CrownFortunes FavoritesCaesars WomenCaesar, A NovelThe October Horse Questions to Consider What would have happened to Rome had Caesar remained in power?Would the Republic have continued?Was the change from Republic to Empire inevitable?Were Caesars assassins traitors?Was Caesar a traitor when he crossed the Rubicon?Under what circumstances is treason justified?Why is Caesar the greatest leader ever?What reasons are there for saying he was not?What are Caesars most important/lasting contributions?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cultural and Feminist Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cultural and Feminist Perspectives - Essay Example rmation Age, where the barriers to communication have dissolved in the realm of the internet, the need for a common approach as to what constitutes ethical behavior cannot be disputed. The three most important ideas, which are relevant to any debate on a common ethical framework for humanity, are the failure of faith as a criterion for ethics, the need to avoid the imposition of one particular system as the universal answer, and the absolute necessity for a global definition of ethics, which incorporates various perspectives. When faith, or religion, is adopted as the foundation of ethical belief, it can only lead to dissension. All religious views of values and ideals are obviously based on the divine authority and revelations particular to a certain religion. Any religious justification of ethics can belong only to one particular faith, as each religion has its own unique perspective of the individual and his relationship with the world. It would be difficult to reconcile all religions. For example, the Buddhist view of the personal self as a delusion is completely opposed to the Judeo-Christian emphasis on individualism. Likewise, the Eastern faiths are to a large extent mystical, in contrast to the realism of the Western religions. The holistic, cyclic oriental perspective is again totally different from the dualistic, linear approach of the West. Religions advocate absolute truths. When each faith proposes its own absolute truth, it is obvious that religion cannot be an acceptable basis for ethics. The irreconcilable differences in the world religions make it evident that faith-based ethics can only serve as a personal guide to ideals. They cannot be accepted as a universal framework for humanity. Religious fundamentalism is the most blatant origin of discord and violence today, and warns us that any religious basis of ethics is impossible. Morality, based on religion, can only lead to war. At the same time, faith is obviously one of the most powerful
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Analysis of Counseling Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analysis of Counseling Theories - Assignment Example Even though some might seem similar, all theories of counseling have particular differences that make each appear unique and useful in different situations. Counselors have unlimited discretions to select and apply more than none counseling theory in a single treatment situation. Counselors can also shift and change counseling theories randomly or systematically provided that their strategies are capable of producing the best results out of a given therapy session. Commonly used counseling theories include cognitive-behavior, solution-focused, integrated social ecology, postmodernism or social constructionist, systems, ecological and structural/feminist. Even after extensive coverage of counseling theories, solution-focused therapy is the best and favorable therapeutic approach to most of the psychological discomforts affecting human beings. According Ungar (2011), solution-focused therapy focuses on finding solution to particular problems faced a client. In so doing, a counselor employing solution-focused therapy is likely to concentrate on positive and encouraging incidences and experiences that seemed to help a client evade problems. Solution-focused approach of counseling deters a counselor from seeking deep into the problems or bad experiences of a client that escalated the given problem. Instead, a counselor employing solution-focused therapy makes inquiry on the time that a client avoided involving in particular stressor condition. The role of a counselor should be investigation of things a client did or have ever done to avoid and overcome a particular problem or unwanted situation. A counselor should then acknowledge and ap preciate the experiences of a client and be careful to make a client view a given problem as too big and recurrent to solve. Ungar (2011) reports that theorists of the solution-focused approach urge counselors to look at the good thing and efforts of a client towards avoiding a given
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Art of Delegation Essay Example for Free
The Art of Delegation Essay The Art of Delegation: Five Behaviors of Effective Delegators Managers of companies of all varying sizes often will have multiple tasks to perform. Good managers need to decide which tasks they will perform themselves and which tasks will be delegated to others. When managers delegate assignments they must be aware of the five behaviors used by effective delegators. These behaviors are as follows: 1. Clarify the assignment 2. Specify the employee’s range of discretion 3. Allow employees to participate 4. Inform others that delegation has occurred 5. Establish feedback controls This discussion will analyze the five individual delegation behaviors and how they apply to the scenario at the end of chapter 10. Scenario: Ricky Lee, who is a manager of a contract group of a large regional office supply distributor, is given a project from his boss Anne to develop the department’s new procedures manual. This manual will outline the steps followed in the company’s negotiating contracts with vendors. Anne’s requirements are for the project to be completed by the end of the month. Ricky Lee informs Anne that he is currently working on another major project and asks Anne if he can delegate this project to Bill. Anne agrees to the delegation as long as Bill is aware of the parameters and expectations for the completion of the project. Ricky Lee must be aware of the following behaviors regarding delegation when delegating this project to Bill. Clarify the Assignment Bill has worked for three year in the contracts department, and Ricky Lee has determined that Bill is the most qualified person to do the job. Ricky Lee had deemed that Bill has the right motivation, experience, and drive to complete the project successfully. Ricky Lee must clarify the assignment to Bill, laying out responsibilities of the project, expected results, any confidential natures, and performance expectations. Because the project needs to be completed by the end of the month, Ricky Lee needs to make sure Bill understands the time constraints. The clarification of the project should be done in person, through a meeting with all the stakeholders, and followed up with an e-mail that summarizes the meeting. Specify the range of discretion Ricky Lee needs to communicate to Bill what his authoritative constraints are regarding this project. Ricky Lee must also determine if Bill should have the authority to delegate part of this project to others. Questions and clarifications regarding the project should be addressed directly to Bill, but ultimately, Ricky Lee and Anne will review, and make the final decisions. Ultimately, Bill must have enough authority to complete this project effectively, but enough constraints should be put in place to monitor Bill, so that he does not exceed his authority. Allow all employees to participate Ricky Lee should allow Bill and any other employees involved in this project to make suggestions regarding how to complete the procedures manual. Ricky Lee must be aware of Bill’s own self-interests and biases, and use this knowledge to evaluate how Bill and other employees involved in the project, create the manual. Allowing Bill and other employees to participate in how to complete this project will empower and motivate them; leaving everyone believing that they are part of the process, instead of another cog in the wheel. Inform others that delegation has occurred It is imperative that Ricky Lee informs both internal and external stakeholders of the delegation of this project to Bill. Additionally, Ricky Lee should make sure everyone is aware of Bill’s authorities. Some internal stakeholders who should be aware of the delegation are other employees whose jobs may be affected by the delegation, other managers who would be affected by the delegation, and Ricky Lee’s boss Anne. The external stakeholders may include software vendors as well as other consultants/contractors that Ricky Lee’s company has contracted to assist with this project. Establish feedback channels Establishing feedback channels will enable Ricky Lee to identify any problems regarding completing the task on time and with the correct specifications. These controls will also identify if correct policies and procedures are followed. Setting these controls will allow Ricky Lee to get status checks on the project and will enable him to ensure that Bill is not abusing his authority. Without out setting these controls, Ricky Lee runs the chance of major problems arising. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is important for managers to understand the five behaviors of delegation, so that any issues involving the project will be resolved quickly and effectively. Effective delegation means possessing good communication skills. Managers must have good communication skills so that all parties involved know what their assignment is and understand everyone’s authoritative discretion. Finally, establishing feedback channels are necessary to ensure all aspects of the project run smoothly.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Environmental Destruction Essay -- Chemical War, Pollution, Recycling
For thousands of years the environment stayed close to its natural state, exerting its influence on living forms. But in the past century, things have changed drastically as human beings have altered the paradigm of the environment. Now they are the masters, putting their stamp on the earth through pollution and contamination and poison. There needs to be action to monitor such destruction, but consideration of both sides of the environmental issue should be taken into account to determine what form of action should be taken. The person who almost singlehandedly brought this environmental destruction to the forefront of the public’s awareness was Rachel Carson. In a chapter of her book Silent Spring called â€Å"The Obligation to Endure†she talked about the various poisons that were afflicting Americans without their knowledge or consent (Carson 54). Many forms of contamination infiltrated waterways, air and earth. Pollution became rampant and difficult to reverse. Radiation, in the form of Strontium 90 was being unleashed. It permeated the atmosphere after governmentally approved nuclear explosions. Acid rain and fallout occurred. It got in the soil and the food supply and eventually into the bodies of human beings, staying there until death (Carson 50). In addition, pesticides were being developed at an alarming rate, and were used indiscriminately, killing both good and bad insects. When the bad insects bounced back, deadlier products were developed, causing an endless cycle in the chemical war (50-51). She asked the question, â€Å"Can anyone believe it is possible to lay down such a barrage of poisons without making it unfit for all life?†Despite the destruction wreaked, she documented that ma... ...eaving the lights on, failing to recycle, and using plastic grocery bags instead of paper. The new heresies include failure to compost, or failure to go organic†(3). None of these statements are meant to belittle the environmental cause. It is real. It is worthy of our attention. And we must take action. The first way to take action is to be aware that there is a problem with the environment and it must be monitored through both governmental regulations and individual responsibility. While there is a problem, we don’t have to go overboard, but we do need to take action ourselves. We can do so by doing our part to decrease our carbon footprint, whether by recycling, organic farming, or refusing to pollute. It is a noble thing to address the needs of the planet. But all things have to be done in moderation and we need to proceed accordingly. Environmental Destruction Essay -- Chemical War, Pollution, Recycling For thousands of years the environment stayed close to its natural state, exerting its influence on living forms. But in the past century, things have changed drastically as human beings have altered the paradigm of the environment. Now they are the masters, putting their stamp on the earth through pollution and contamination and poison. There needs to be action to monitor such destruction, but consideration of both sides of the environmental issue should be taken into account to determine what form of action should be taken. The person who almost singlehandedly brought this environmental destruction to the forefront of the public’s awareness was Rachel Carson. In a chapter of her book Silent Spring called â€Å"The Obligation to Endure†she talked about the various poisons that were afflicting Americans without their knowledge or consent (Carson 54). Many forms of contamination infiltrated waterways, air and earth. Pollution became rampant and difficult to reverse. Radiation, in the form of Strontium 90 was being unleashed. It permeated the atmosphere after governmentally approved nuclear explosions. Acid rain and fallout occurred. It got in the soil and the food supply and eventually into the bodies of human beings, staying there until death (Carson 50). In addition, pesticides were being developed at an alarming rate, and were used indiscriminately, killing both good and bad insects. When the bad insects bounced back, deadlier products were developed, causing an endless cycle in the chemical war (50-51). She asked the question, â€Å"Can anyone believe it is possible to lay down such a barrage of poisons without making it unfit for all life?†Despite the destruction wreaked, she documented that ma... ...eaving the lights on, failing to recycle, and using plastic grocery bags instead of paper. The new heresies include failure to compost, or failure to go organic†(3). None of these statements are meant to belittle the environmental cause. It is real. It is worthy of our attention. And we must take action. The first way to take action is to be aware that there is a problem with the environment and it must be monitored through both governmental regulations and individual responsibility. While there is a problem, we don’t have to go overboard, but we do need to take action ourselves. We can do so by doing our part to decrease our carbon footprint, whether by recycling, organic farming, or refusing to pollute. It is a noble thing to address the needs of the planet. But all things have to be done in moderation and we need to proceed accordingly.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Point of View in Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson†Essay
Point of view is an essential element to a reader’s comprehension of a story. The point of view shows how the narrator thinks, speaks, and feels about any particular situation. In Toni Cade Bambara’s â€Å"The Lesson,†the events are told through the eyes of a young uptown girl named Sylvia. The reader gets a limited point of view because the events are told strictly by Sylvia. This fact can influence the reader to see things just as she does. The strong language gives a unfamiliar reader an illustration of how people in the city speak. Bambara does this to show a different kind of life that may be new to the reader and may aid in the comprehension of the street life. The reader gets a sense of Sylvia’s personality in the very beginning of the story as she talks about Miss Moore. Sylvia’s opinion of her is not one of fondness. She says that she hates Miss Moore as much as the â€Å"winos who pissed on our handball walls and stand up on our hallways and stairs so you couldn’t halfway play hide-and-seek†(307). By comparing the hatred to something she enjoys, we see what a kid in the slums does for fun. Sylvia feels that Miss Moore always plans â€Å"boring-ass things for us to do†(307). Miss Moore seems to be different from what Sylvia is use to. Sylvia harps on the fact that Miss Moore is educated. This shows that Sylvia is not use to being around educated people. She dislikes the fact that Miss Moore is a woman with â€Å"nappy hair and proper speech with no makeup†(307). Sylvia continues to describe her as a â€Å"nappy head bitch and her goddamn college degree†and would rather do things that are fun instead of listening to her. Miss Moore attempts to teach the children about the difference of how some people spend money. Sylvia feels insulted and thinks Miss Moore is calling them â€Å"retards†when she asks the group do they know what money is. The first lesson is to figure out how much of a tip they are suppose to leave the cab driver. Sylvia wants to keep the money and jump out of the cab and spend the money on some barbeque. Theft seems to be a common feature within the group. Later, when they are at the store, Sugar asks â€Å"can we steal†(308). Miss Moore shows the kids the prices of several objects and they are amazed at some of the costs. They try to figure out how long they could save up to buy things such as a thirty five-dollar birthday clown. The children think about how thirty-five dollars would be used to buy necessities instead of luxuries. The kids think that only white people would buy the objects that they see. Rosie Giraffe says that â€Å"white folks†are crazy in the way they spend money. This exemplifies the difference in the standard of living from one part of society to another. Ultimately, Bambara wants to show the reader that there is a different view of life through the eyes of someone from the city. The attitude of Sylvia and her friends is an attribute to their surroundings. The lesson that they learn is one that the reader receives also. Bambara shows how some people can spend money on items that seem unimportant to the kids. Sylvia appears to brush off the whole experience by constantly criticizing Miss Moore and thinking negative thoughts of her. In the end, the reader can see that Sylvia has soaked up some of the events and wants to strive to have some of the finer things. The fact that â€Å"ain’t nobody gonna beat me at nuthin†shows that Sylvia is going to be the best of anything she pursues (312). Bambara wants the reader to see that there is another type of lifestyle in the city. It is not to belittle Sylvia and her peers just to show that there is a difference of values. In this novel, that value is the difference of spending money.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Globalization and inequality-short essay Essay
The process by which the lives of all people around the planet become increasingly interconnected in economic, cultural, political, and environmental terms, along with our awareness of such interconnections is known as globalization (Appelbaum, 2001). Globalization has pushed the world into the revolution of information. The planet has become connected through technological renovations and the interdependence of economic expansion. Nations have formed one agenda, one unit, and with it, emerges the concept of winners and losers. Globalization has increased the gap between rich and poor. As we form one world, the level of inequality rises, the strong nations get richer, and the weak nations get poorer. The retail business is revolutionizing due to globalization, yet inequality seems to be the intimidating factor that comes with it. Globalization is being driven by five major factors: customers, markets, technology, competition, and costs. The global marketplace exposes retailers to an unprecedented number of customers. The relaxation of trade barriers, creation of trade blocs, and opening of new markets has presented the world’s retailers with the option of going global. Outsourcing has made it possible for domestic companies in the United States and worldwide to increase profits by using â€Å"cheap labor†to produce the goods that consumers demand at a much lower price. â€Å"Minorities†from countries like Mexico, Guatemala, and parts of Asia are exploited in the â€Å"global assembly line†in order for companies to gain prestige through outstanding economic efficiency. The dependency theory suggests that the poverty of low-income countries is the immediate consequence of their exploitation by the wealthy countries on which they are economically dependent (Appelbaum and Chambliss, 173). Third world countries are exploited in order for first world countries to get ahead in the national economic arena. Peasants work in international factories because it is the only way out of starvation; to choose to work is not a luxury of the poor, it is a means of survival. Like the social stratification that occurs within the US, the systematic inequalities will continue as we globalize, only the discriminated will now be the new foreign laborers. They become the losers in the game headed my national corporations. The winners are top executives of corporations like Gap Inc, Nike, Guess, Adidas, and all the other major corporations in the world. Technology is a key facilitator, and the Internet is the great enabler. Technology has enabled retailers to shrink distances, integrate and connect value chains, and provide a rapidly increasing amount of information for storage, transfer, and use. Meanwhile, the Internet serves as a global channel, and provides retailers with unique opportunities, as well as challenges, for conducting business with both consumers and other businesses. As domestic markets become increasingly saturated, globalization represents a unique opportunity to attain competitive advantage, leveraging economic benefits such as improved economies of scale and increased bargaining power with many suppliers. The supporters of globalization claim that it leads to higher employment and therefore greater prosperity, whereas opponents believe that globalization, in its current form, only serves to widen the gap between rich and poor. Economies of scale, pooling production and taking advantage of lower factor costs mean that business on a global scale can be cheaper; and lower costs give retailers more strategic options. Companies that do not necessarily want to support sweatshops feel pressure because of competition, competition that could offer lower prices and abundant amounts of production. Therefore, the way that we can promote change is by being educated consumers, and supporting companies that risk losing, for morality sake. Globalization is a double-edged sword; it is a game of win or lose. Though it provides an economic dependence of national manpower, many nations exploit each other in order to achieve profit and get ahead of the worldwide competition.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Ancient Egyptian Clothing essays
Ancient Egyptian Clothing essays Egyptian clothing styles did not change much throughout ancient times. Clothes were usually made of linens ranging from coarse to fine texture. Men usually wore a short skirt called a kilt. Women wore a straight fitting dress held up by straps. The wealthy men wore pleated kilts, and the older men wore a longer kilt. When doing hard work, men wore a loin cloth, and women wore a short skirt. Children usually ran around nude during the summer months, while in the winter, wraps and cloaks were worn. Noble women sometimes wore beaded dresses. Noblemen would sometimes wear a long robe over his kilt, while the women wore long pleated dresses with a shawl. Some kings and queens wore decorative ceremonial clothing with feathers and sequins. Very little sewing was done as most of the cloth was wrapped and secured with strings or belts. Women covered their breasts most of the time, though there were some periods when fashion left them bare. Circular capes were sometimes worn. They were generally made of linen and had an opening for the head cut at the center. These capes were often dyed, painted or otherwise decorated and covered little more than the shoulders. Shawls were sometimes worn during the later years. Most people went barefoot, but wore sandals on special occasions. The king wore very elaborately decorated sandals, and sometimes decorative gloves on his hands (some of the gloves had fine linen linings, while others would have separate index and middle fingers and a hole for the thumb.) Clothing styles were chosen for comfort in the hot, dry climate of Egypt. The wealthy men and women wore long see-through robes that were pleated. Better-off people wore wide clothes of white cloth. Wealthy people did not wear more jewelry or fancier clothes to show wealth. They did wear gold jewelry and the most transparent clothes. The Egyptians were not embarrassed about their bodies, ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Build Your Own Style Guide
How to Build Your Own Style Guide How to Build Your Own Style Guide How to Build Your Own Style Guide By Mark Nichol I recently wrote a post advising writers and editors responsible for print or online publications to create their own style guide to supplement whichever published manual they follow, be it The Chicago Manual of Style, The Associated Press Stylebook, or a similar volume. Sensible enough, but how does one go about this task? First, note that a house style guide is not a comprehensive compendium; it is a resource that details rules and guidelines for consistency that contradict or are not covered in other resources. That said, a house style guide can range from a couple of pages to more than a thousand. (The Chicago Manual of Style, which exceeds that latter number, is simply a house style guide that escaped from the University of Chicago Press, for which it was created more than a hundred years ago, and went viral.) The size depends on how often, and how significantly, your publication veers from default resources and how complex its subject matter is. The first step is to select a style manual of record and a dictionary of record and to document that selection prominently in your house style guide. These publications should, with few exceptions, be the only ones of their kind that anyone who writes for your publication consults. For example, if you use Chicago, no one on your staff should be thumbing through The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage (or vice versa). And if a writer objects to your correction of their spelling, which they checked against The Oxford English Dictionary, inform them that your publication adheres to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (or vice versa). (Exceptions include if your style guide or dictionary of record does not cover a certain issue or include a specific term.) Most style guides resemble encyclopedias or dictionaries in their organizational scheme, presenting information according to alphabetically arranged topics. For example, a house style guide might start with the following entries and the indicated details about them: Abbreviations (Which are acceptable?) Acronyms and Initialisms (Which can be used without first spelling out the entire term?) Addresses (When is abbreviation allowed?) Then, continue through topics starting with the letters B (such as bylines), C (capitalization, for example), and so on. To populate your house style guide, read through your publication’s (or any publication’s) content and brainstorm all the issues that come up. Here are some other examples: Cities (Which should be identified by the country in which they’re located, and which city names are sufficiently well known to stand alone? This entry might simply refer the reader to another resource, or to an appendix in the house style guide.) Colons (Capitalize the first word following a colon?) Company Names (Formal, as in â€Å"Microsoft Corporation,†or familiar, as in Microsoft, and maybe even Redmond from time to time?) Cross-References (How do you refer to other content previously published in your publication?) Entries should be clear and concise even terse and imperative and should include an example: For instance, a note about percentages might simply say, â€Å"Spell out percent but retain numeral form (â€Å"37 percent,†not â€Å"thirty-seven percent†or â€Å"37%†). Remember not to get carried away replicating rules found in your style guide or dictionary of record, especially at the expense of including essentials such as whether you employ the serial comma, how you style em dashes, or whether the text following a copyright symbol is preceded by a letter space. And no house style guide should omit a section about number style (cross-referenced to related entries such as the rule about percentages shown above). Also, don’t forget a word list. This is a record of idiosyncratic terms that don’t show up in the dictionary, because they’re neologisms or highly specific technical terms, or because they reflect variations in spelling. (For example, the founder of a publishing company I freelance for prefers some British American spellings, such as acknowledgements and grey, so those appear in the word list of his company’s house style guide.) Some house style guides, like the ones that have become universal resources, are organized by broad themes such as abbreviations, numbers, and special treatment of terms (such as capitalization and italics), but specific alphabetic entries are more useful. The Associated Press Stylebook goes to the other extreme, including entries for specific terms, from antiwar (to demonstrate the absence of a hyphen in that term) to â€Å"Major League Baseball†(to indicate that this term is a proper noun) to zookeeper (to show that this term is a closed compound), plus more comprehensive entries for general rules and a separate section on punctuation. A thematic organization with a word list is more manageable. One last note: A house style guide is a living document subject to change at any time, so refrain from using a hard copy you and other users will have to mark up with changes and additions (or frequently print out after updates are made). Encourage colleagues who might actually use the document to consult an online version that you or someone else manage; you might even make it available on an intranet or on Google Docs, with read-only access for anyone not authorized to amend it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†50 Synonyms for "Assistant"9 Forms of the Past Tense
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Final questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Final questions - Essay Example This space was small and at the rear of the skull in quadrapedal animals. It moved a little forward and grew to about 6 times the earlier one for knuckle walkers, like gorillas. For bipedal animals it moved even further forward and nearly doubles in size. This makes sense, as the place where the spinal column enters the skull would govern the angle at which the head is carried (Howells 77-205). Lucy from Oldivai Gorge in South Africa is the most complete skeleton of this genus, which walked upright and may have used very simple tools. It probably lived in trees, but hunted or scavenged on the ground, as the curvature of fingers and toes indicates it could climb trees. The pelvis in the female is the same as modern man. The long forehead slopes at about 45 degrees from the bony ridge over the eyes, and there is no real chin. Two sets of footprints preserved by volcanic action and found by Mary Leakey show human toes, and they prove that Australopithecus Afarensis walked on two feet ha bitually, though the placement of feet show a more splayed gait and suggests that this ape was not quite upright ("Early Human Evolution: Early Transitional Humans."). One of the difficulties with the fossil records is that there is no way of knowing how many species exhibiting changes came between one recovered fossil and the next. This is why there is disagreement about exactly where the branches might be. Without DNA evidence it is not possible to know for sure which hominid is the ancestor of which others. Even with DNA evidence it would not be certain, as it would requires some from all the fossils in the line. Australopithecus Africanus followed next. However, it is not certain where homo branched off. It could have been from Aferensis, Africanus, Robustus or even a separate Paranthropus Robustus. All of these were inhabiting the same area as contemporaries. There might even have been interbreeding, which would indicate that the breeds were not really separate. The Robustus de finitely had larger bones and brain cavity, and it seems to have gone extinct. That leaves either Afarensis or Africanus as being separate lines or branching to Australopithecus Bahrelghazali which then branched to Homo. Only lower jaw bones have been found thus far, but the dentition puts this species closer to Homo than the others. There may have been other branches of Australopithecus, but there is not enough fossil evidence that they were around very long before going extinct. Cross breeding could also have eliminated some differences ("Hominidae_filogenia.png (PNG Image, 1025 ? 979 pixels)."). So me theorists eliminate all of these australopithecines from the homo line of ancestry, believing that homo lines branched off independently from either Ardipithecus Ramidus or A. Garhi. However, one might question this based upon the lack of fossils and the latest find in Georgia on the Black Sea of five Homo Habilis types with a great deal of variation among them. It is possible they are all one species with variation, just as we have today. Speciation generally includes an inability to procreate successfully between species. A recent discovery of what seems to be a new species of Australopithecus, A. Garhi, in Ethiopia is a candidate for early human. This illustration shows the pitifully few pieces that have been found, and the Georgian discovery makes it worth further investigation before ascribing
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