Monday, September 30, 2019
Isolation of Crude Acetaminophen Essay
After first isolation of crude acetaminophen, 1.22g of light, brown shiny, fine Crestline solid emulated, which demonstrated slight less than 0.030g of product was lost from original 0.150g of p-aminophenol. The melting point range of crude acetaminophen ranged from 166.8-167.6 °C, when compare to the known melting point of pure acetaminophen which ranged from 169.5-171 °C, is slightly depressed. After decolonization of crude acetaminophen 0.060g of a very light tan/pink almost white, fine, shiny crystalline purified acetaminophen was recovered. Significant amount was lost; slightly over half was lost from 0.122g crude acetaminophen. Purified acetaminophen resulted in a much lighter coloration than the crude acetaminophen. Purified acetaminophen was slightly light tan/pink nearly white, whereas crude acetaminophen was light brown. After crystallization of acetaminophen, 0.028g of whiter, shiny, fine crystals resulted with no apparent odor. Slightly less than half of product was l ost from 0.060g purified acetaminophen that was crystallized and about 0.122g was lost from the original 0.150g of p-aminophenol started with. The melting point range of the crystallized acetaminophen (166.1-169.8  °C when compared to the known melting point range of pure acetaminophen at 169.5-171 °C is clearly depressed and elongated. 169.5-171 °C Calculations: % yield of crude product: x = 0.207g crude acetaminophen x 100 = 58.7% % yield of crystallized (final) product x = 0.207g crude acetaminophen x 100 = 13.5% Observations: Weigh out about 0.150g p-aminophenol and place this in a %ml conical vial. Note: some amount of product was lost do to spillage. .150g weighted out; p-aminophenol is a dark purple powder containing few small grains. Using pipette, add 0.450ml of water and 0.165ml of acetic anhydride. About 450ml and 0.165ml of water and acetic anhydride weighted out. Addition of water formed dark purple viscous mixture; most p-aminophenol dissolved. Addition of acetic anhydride to the mixture produced a dark brown mixture brown precipitate seemed to have formed at the bottom of the vial. Heat the reaction with an alumina block at about 120 °C while stirring gently. After solid precipitate has completely dissolved heat for an addition 20 minutes. Remove vial from heat and allow cooling. Once cool remove the spin vane and air condenser from the conical vial and let cool to room temperature. Once safe to touch put the mixture in an ice bath for 15-20 minutes allowing for crystallization. Collect crystals through vacuuming through Hirsch funnel for 5-10 minutes allowing for air to go through. Once dry add weight the crude product and do melting point range test 166.8-167.6 °C compared to the know melting point range of 169.5-171 °C. Dissolve 0.2g of sodium Dithionite in 1.5ml of water in a 5ml conical vial. Weight out about 0.204g of sodium dithionite, a grey- white solid powder, add the crude product to the vial and heat up the mixture at about 100 °C for 15 minutes. After heating the crude product completely dissolved producing a light tan translucent solution. Note: spillage occurred when transferring crude product into conical vial. Cool mixture in an ice bath for about 10 minutes. Collection of crystals are done by vacuuming with the Hirsch funnel, once dry weight the purified acetaminophen 0.060g resulted. The purified acetaminophen resulted in a much lighter coloration than the crude. Place purified acetaminophen in a craig tube. Crystallize the material from a solvent mixture composed of 50% water 50% methanol by volume. Set up the Craig tube apparatus described in technique 11, section11.4. Add drops of hot solvent until solid is dissolved. When product has dissolved, place the Craig tube into a 10ml Erlenmeyer flask, insert the inner plug of the Craig tube and allow solution to cool. Place in ice bath for several minutes to allow acetaminophen to crystallize. After crystallization has occurred collect crystals using apparatus shown in technique 8 figure 8.11, place assembly in centrifuge for several minutes collect crystals on watch glass weight it at 0.028g and find the melting point range of 166.1-169.8 °C. Questions: 1. Most compounds have lower solubility’s at lower temperatures. You can obtain more product y crystallization at lower temperature. 3. Product can be lost through Hirsch funnel if over washed. 4. x = 0..180g crude acetaminophen x = 0.00119g mol acetaminophen 6. Discussion: Through the main reaction between 0.150g of p-aminophenol with acetic anhydride, 0.122g of crude acetaminophen was produced along with some acetic acid. This indicates a 58.7 percent yield of crude acetaminophen. This is a fair percent yield considering a slight amount of p-aminophenol was lost due to spillage in the transferring process into conical vail and slight amount of crude acetaminophen was lost when trying to remove crystallized crude acetaminophen from conical vial. Percent yield is 58.7% indicating loss of reactants or spillage of products. There is possible error when performing suction filtration; too much washing of product can cause product to fall through filter ultimately decreasing overall percent yield. also overheating may have caused a loss of product; some of the product may have been splattered out of the reaction vessel when heating. 1005 yield would mean that one has carried out the lab activities perfectly producing the predicted amount of product. Given the 58.7% yield actually obtained, it is evident that experimental procedures be accurately followed for further improvement. It is in the transferring process of p-aminophenol to a 5mL conical vial. Where error is most critical and product can be readily lost. After decolorization process, 0.060g of decolorized/purified acetaminophen was obtained indicating a significant loss of product. Prior to decolorization process, 0.122g of crude acetaminophen solid was present, meaning half of product was lost in the decolorization process. It is important to note that a significant amount of product was lost due to spillage when transferring crude acetaminophen into conical vial to decolorization. Error may also be present if mixture is overheated and product is evaporated off. After crystallization process of purified acetaminophen, 0.028g of white final acetaminophen resulted indicating a 13.5% yield. this is a poor percent yield. this indicates slightly less than half of 0.060g of purified acetaminophen was lost. Such a low percent yield can be attributed to the loss of product throughout the crystallization process. It is important o note that a significant amount of product was lost within supernatant after centrifugation, also, product was lost when trying to remove product from Craig tube and plug. Purity of final product of acetaminophen was tested through qualitative observation of coloration and by comparing obtained melting point ranges of crude and final acetaminophen to the literature melting point range of pure acetaminophen. Because crude solid acetaminophen contains dark impurities carried along with p-aminophenol we can qualitatively compare the level of impurity before and after decolorization. As for the second test for impurity, the melting point range of the crude acetaminophen, 166.8-167.6 °C is slightly depressed when compared to the known melting point range of pure acetaminophen 169.5-171 °C. Crude acetaminophen melting point range is depressed by 2.7 °C. A difference of less than 5 °C indicates a good melting point range was obtained for crude acetaminophen this indicating a minimal amount of impurity present. The melting point range of final crystallized acetaminophen, 166.1-169.8 °C is slightly depressed and elongated when compared to the known me lting point range of pure acetaminophen 169.5-171 °C. It is depressed by 3.4 °C and elongated by 2.2 °C. A difference of less than 5 °C indicates a good melting point range was obtained, though impurities may still be present. When crystals are isolated by filtration from a solvent, it is important to allow complete drying/evaporation of the solvent in order to minimize impurities and get a good melting range. Residual solvent may also function as an impurity and will depress/broaden the melting range for acetaminophen. When two chemicals are mixed, side reactions may take place and produce by-products which can serve as impurities ultimately lowering and elongating the melting point range. For further reference, one must meticulously carry out experimental procedures to ensure that neither reactants nor product is lost and higher percent yield is obtained.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Heart Rate Essay
Introduction: Our bodies need to be in balance in order to function properly, and there are many ways the body maintains balance, or homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of nearly constant conditions in the internal environment. Our normal heart rate is an example of our body in homeostasis and any sort of change, or stimulus, can alter it. Exercise, adrenaline in the blood, and a low blood pH are all stimuli that increase the heart rate. Exercise, for example, stimulates stretch receptors in the muscles. These receptors then send a signal to a part of the brain called the medulla oblongata that receives the sensory input. It then in turn sends nerve impulses to the sinoatrial node in the heart. This node generates an impulse and initiates contraction of the heart at a quicker pace. Thus, the heart beats faster, which equals an increased heart rate. This is an example of a homeostasis imbalance. The heart reaches homeostasis again when exercise ceases and the heart rate drops down to its basal rate, or its rate at rest. This whole process is an example of a negative feedback cycle: a stimulus (increased heart rate) sends receptors to the control center (medulla oblongata), which then sends effectors (impulses by the vagus nerve, or the efferent pathway) to the heart to slow the heart contractions, thus reducing the heart rate and bringing it back to its basal rate. In our experiment we studied heart rate before and after a brief exercise session. Our hypothesis is exercise will increase the heart rate, and a negative feedback mechanism will occur to restore the heart rate back to its normal basal rate. Materials: Stop watch, metronome, stairs Methods: †¢Eight subjects took their own resting, or basal, heart rate for 15 seconds while standing up. Some subjects chose to take their heart rate at their carotid artery, and some took their pulse using their radial artery. This number was multiplied by 4 to get beats per minute. This is how all heart rate measurements were taken throughout the experiment. †¢Subjects did exercise session. They walked down 57 stairs and then back up those same 57 stairs for a total of 104 stair steps. This was done at a pace of 85 beats per minute. The whole session took 1 minute 45 seconds. †¢Subjects immediately took their heart rate after they completed the exercise. †¢After 1 minute of completing the exercise, subjects measured their heart rate again. This was done at 1 minute intervals for a total of 5 heart rate measurements after completing the exercise. †¢All together, subjects took 6 heart rate measurements: 1 before the exercise, and then 5 after the exercise. Data/Results: See attached graph and table. Conclusion/Discussion: The data shows that heart rate increases during and after exercise and begins to drop back down close to the basal rate after rest. The heart progressively decreases after each minute of rest. Our results show a negative feedback mechanism was used to control the heart rate after exercise. The increased heart rate stimulated the medulla oblongata which sent impulses to the sinoatrial node of the heart to slow down contractions and decrease the heart rate. Different subjects had differences in the time it took for their heart rate to drop after the exercise, but heart rate decreased nonetheless. Overall, our hypothesis was shown to be correct from the experiment. We chose the heart rate as our variable because it is easy to measure and gives clear results. We predicted that the heart would increase after a brief exercise session, and our results matched that prediction. As for other experiments, we could perform different activities or tasks and measure our hear t rate after those. We could even hold a serious/heated discussion and see if heart rate is affected in an intense conversation. There are many different things you could do to test heart rate, as exercise is just one example. Data: Each subject and their heart rate at certain time interval: SubjectBefore exercise0 minutes rest1 min. rest2 min. rest3 min. rest4 min. rest 1100 BPM120 BPM104 BPM104 BPM104 BPM104 BPM 2120160156156152148 37210076807672 47212080727272 596136124120100100 66812072727680 76011664646464 86816084888084 Summary statement: Heart rate increases during and after exercise and begins to drop back down close to the basal rate after rest. Citations Heart Rate Regulation in Humans. (2010, January 23). The Student Room. Retrieved August 24, 2013, from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Development of an E-commerce web site Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Development of an E-commerce web site - Essay Example Despite the fact that I did enjoy working with the provided software MS Visual Studio in the workshop session, I have chosen Adobe Dreamweaver as my web development application. I have decided to work with Adobe Dreamweaver mainly because I feel more familiar with the software application, using and creating forms, tables, and buttons together with all other Adobe software, for example, Photoshop, Flash or Fireworks. The scripting language that I have chosen for this task was PHP. The reason why I have chosen PHP instead of ASP.NET C# was that I am more familiar using PHP coding using the Dreamweaver development application. I also wanted to use MYSQL for the products database, even though the learning curve for PHP and ASP.NET C# are about the same based on what you want to achieve. Another reason why I have chosen PHP was that the chosen hosting provider offers a great tool called PHPMYADMIN where MYSQL databases can be created, imported and exported. After testing on your local ma chine, for example with the APACHE XAMPP software, I also chose my testing server application. Regarding the design, I have used the CSS technology to create a simple but immersive shopping friendly look for the web site. This can be shown below in figure 1and 2.Solving the matter of design has brought me to the coding and scripting process.At the beginning of the development process, my coding was aimed for testing the web page on my local machine. Therefore, the PHP scripting was written in a path for accessing the database from my local root folder., as can be seen below. [Figure 3] This code serves to enter the data from MYSQL database called products, created for the web store site containing six items each with five fields: id, name, description, price and an image field. SQL is a standard interactive and programming language for querying and modifying data and managing databases. It is both ANSI and ISO standard. Coding for this specifying database is show below: [Figure 4] A very important part of the development process is testing and evaluation. After linking the database with the web site by coding in my web development application software, it was necessary to test the connectivity and accessibility before uploading it on to the web server. As mentioned earlier, I have chosen the software called APPACHE XAMPP for testing the site on my local machine. The reasons why I have chosen XAMPP as my testing software are that I find it easier to work with, it’s free, it’s provided with quick and simple installation and it includes the PHPMYADMIN tool. This tool allows you to create, import, export save and backup your already existing MYSQL databases. This will save you lots of time when uploading the site on to the server where most of
Friday, September 27, 2019
The current business situation at this Starbucks shop and management Assignment - 2
The current business situation at this Starbucks shop and management operations aspects - Assignment Example The paper tells that operation management is the process through which inputs, in form of raw materials and labor, are transformed into finished goods and services. The main impact of operations management in a firm is a positive perceived value that the customer feels has been added to a product, which will make him come back every other time. Since operations management determines the quality of products and services, it is a key basis for the determination of success and long-term sustainability of the company. To ensure a firm is successful currently and in future, operations management have to be the best practices for high quality and efficiency in a production or service industry firm. The focus of the assignment will be on Starbucks Coffee Company and the specific branch will be the Starbucks coffee shop on 91 Clarence high street in Kingston town (Kingston Upon Thames, London, United Kingdom). In 1971, a delicate coffee and tea vendor was founded and named Starbucks. The com pany began operations by offering coffee to restaurants and espresso bars. The chairperson and CEO Howard Schultz in 1985 transformed the business by altering it into an international coffee brand involved in coffee service, high-quality goods, and augmented desire to teach clients on the importance of coffee and tea. From the Seattle roots, Starbucks has expanded internationally to market imported coffee, Italian style espresso, food products, cold beverages, fine teas, and coffee fixtures. Currently, Starbucks has developed a good brand image with its 176,000 employees and has created lasting relationships with coffee farmers and manufacturers. Starbucks consists of 17,000 stores situated in 49 countries globally with a high brand demonstration in the United States. A transformation model is a framework used to aid leaders in understanding their organizations
Thursday, September 26, 2019
History Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History Questions - Essay Example She just did it backwards and in high heels!" How do you feel this quote reflects the history of Texas women-- Women in Texas: A Pioneer Spirit by Linda S. Hudson Women of Texas, since its funding, have always been active participants in the maintenance and protection of their households and homesteads. It has been recorded that when the men are out fighting for the defense of their land, the women do not only the maintain the household chores but they also do the tasks the men left undone including the protection of their places from invaders. The above quote signifies the veracity of Texan women's history. These women have the capacity and the will to do men's works when necessary. It was even made real later, when the Spanish came. Women were even more acknowledged and allowed to occupy leadership positions in the government that later opposition to the position women occupy in the home and community did not change the situation. 3. Please review the article: Spain's Cultural Legacy in Texas by Flix D. Almarz, Jr. Although the Spanish did not create settlements like the English in the Chesepeake or establish trading networks with Amerindians like the French in Canada, they did leave their mark on Texas. Think about place names, language, architecture, religion, etc. The Spanish left a large impact on the everyday lives of the people of Texas. Their folklore, for instance, have the dichos (witty proverbs) and cuentos (stories). In the legal terms, Spanish legal concepts such as property rights for women, adoption of orphaned children and their equal shares in the inheritance, and state ownership of subsoil resources, have been incorporated in Texas' policies up to the present. Moreover, for the division of land areas, they have the hacienda or leguas (4,428 acres), labores (177 acres), and varas (33 inches). Spanish mark can also be seen in their folk dances, music and foodstuffs. Even the churchyard dramas like the Las Posadas and Los Pastores are parts of their celebration of Christmas. In addition, several names of streets, plazas, bridges, roads and buildings are in Spanish, as well as the names of trees, flowers & other plants such as: tuna, manzanilla and alamo. 4. Basing your answer on the requests of Texans drawn up by the Conventions of 1832 and 1833, identify and describe the complaints (or changes desired) of Texans at this point in time -- Texas Independence by Archie P. McDonald The resolutions that were requested by the Texans in the Conventions of 1832 and 1833 are summarized in the following terms: the renewal of land grants, more units of local self-government, exemptions from customs collection for three more years, militia for defense against the Indians, and a separate statehood within the Mexican government. The demands in both conventions are almost the same except that in 1833 it was accompanied with a framed a constitution and presided by a more aggressive William Wharton instead of Austin. Most of these requests were finally granted except for the one on separate statehood. The Texans were said to still have lacked the population and the capacity to maintain and lead a separate state
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
High Performance Computers (HPC) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
High Performance Computers (HPC) - Research Paper Example Power efficiency has not been a focus of most HPC systems till now. Power consumed during the operating of High Performance Linpack (HPL) benchmark is, contrary to the conventionally prevailing concept, near the power used by a subset of scientific workload that is typically computer intensive. This makes the HPL suitable for use in power measurement, though it is not recommendable for performance measurement in most cases (Kamil, Shalf, and Strohmaier, n.d.). The efficiency and performance of HPCs can be assessed from their composition, HPCs have all the essential elements found in the regular desktop computers including memory, operating system, disk, and processors, and more. HPCs can be understood as clusters of computers. Each computer in each cluster has anywhere from one to four processors, with each processor having between two and four cores. Individual computers forming part of a cluster are called as nodes. A small business may have a cluster of four or more nodes, with the number of cores being at least 16. Businesses commonly have cluster sizes ranging from 16 to 64 nodes and the number of cores ranges from 64 to 256 (inside HPC, 2014). HPCs show their efficiency with the mutual functioning of the individual nodes in the clusters. Such efficiency can easily solve problems of much complex nature than what can be solved by ordinary desktop computers. The nodes are able to work together meaningfully by interacting with each othe r. Computers talk over networks to each other and business clusters have a variety of options of computer network. In terms of software, two that are employed in most HPCs are Windows and Linux. Currently, HPCs installations are dominated by Linux which can partly be attributed to the legacy of HPC in large scale machines, Unix, and supercomputing. The kind of operating system suitable for use in HPC depends upon the kinds of applications run over them. HPCs in the future will be more efficient. Petaflop
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Importance of Linux Creator Linus Torvalds Contribution to Term Paper
The Importance of Linux Creator Linus Torvalds Contribution to Computing - Term Paper Example He was named Linus as a result of his parents’ inspiration with the chemist Linus Pauling who had won the Nobel Prize. Linux success as a desktop operating system is not a one-time story. Several accounts of its success and fame can be found in the literature that emerged since 1991 to date. In the year 2003, when Linux was only 12 years old, an analyst said, â€Å"Twelve years on, the operating system is robust enough to run the world's most powerful supercomputers yet sleek and versatile enough to run inside consumer toys like TiVo, as well as television set-top boxes and portable devices such as cell phones and handhelds†(Rivlin, 2003). In 2008, Torvalds’s contribution to the computing world was appreciated by awarding him the CHM Fellow Award. Torvalds supervised the creation of the Linux operating system and the Linux kernel. Torvalds resolved to develop an altogether new operating system which would be based on UNIX as well as MINIX. It can not be said wit h extreme surety that Torvalds was totally aware of the effort and time that would go into the achievement of this goal or the influence this development would have both upon the word of computing and his personal life. This can be estimated from the fact that for Torvalds, developing such an operating system was nothing more than a project that he planned to do in the break he took while doing the four-year graduation course he was doing in a university in Finland. In the beginning, Linus was not more than an operating system but it became much more as Torvalds studied and meddled with MINIX, which was another operating system like UNIX. Originally, the operating system was named Linux. This name was derived from the combination of Linus and MINIX, though Torvalds planned to change the name to Freax which came from free, freak and MINIX’s combination. Nevertheless, the name Linux became popular among the users as a result of the development of a directory by Lemmke in which he had called the operating system, Linux upon the file transfer protocol (FTP) server (The Linux Information Project, 2006). In an attempt to gain reviews, Torvalds posted Linux in one of the MINIX forums, and the feedback was hilarious. Torvalds found that the users had become fanatic in their love for Linux. Despite the individualistic originality of Linux, it is, to much an extent, a product of collaboration. Within few years, Linux gained a wide fan-base many of whom were trying to play their role in the improvement of its features. Acknowledging their contribution and appreciating their efforts, Torvalds said, â€Å"They always volunteered. I wouldn't even want to work with people who don't feel passionately about what they do because searching for people to do something doesn't work†¦ It started out slow and on a very small scale. But it was a natural progression†(Tang, 2010). Internet has played a fundamental role in helping the Linux spur the movement of Open S ource. When he reflected upon the whole experience of creating the Linux, Torvalds realized that one of the most informed decisions that he made along the way was of not releasing Linux under the restrictive license that he had originally planned for, but under the GNU General Public License (GPL). GPL is the most frequently used free software license which enables people â€Å"to study, use, modify, extend and redistribute the software as long as they make the source code freely
Monday, September 23, 2019
Major book review only from chapter 6 to 9 Essay
Major book review only from chapter 6 to 9 - Essay Example There existed financial instability in the state owing to marginal tax rates on land property, which formed the primary source of revenue. The economic slide of the state in 1837 was fueled by heavy debts, corruption in banks, depression in England, and failure in cotton and wheat crops. The prevailing Jackson administration added fuel to fire through short sighted policies. Specie circular, introduced to contain situation, further spoiled condition as people lost faith in paper currency. Arkansas had become synonym to crime, hostility, poverty etc. Duels between high officials and killing each other had become common during the period. However, there was an influx of a number of settlers which was primarily due to the donation law of 1840 under which the state provided every member of the family with 160 acres plot. About three and half a million acres of land was distributed under the law. The population rose to three times from 1930 to 1940. The people were generally farmers who either owned the land or worked on donated land. Lack of schooling infrastructure was another drawback in the Arkansas owing to general poor conditions. Among the rich, education was through private tutors. River travel formed the major mode of transport in the absence of bridges over rivers. Texas, with cheap real estate, was an imminent threat to Arkansas. Political pressure built up which led to annexation of Texas in 1845, infuriating Mexico. Gold rush of 1949 to California started the westward emigration. Prices of daily commodities shot up in the region. People underwent long journeys in search of gold and majority of them failed miserably. Those who traded were successful. Later, westward migration was for settlers or seekers of permanent home in the west. However, â€Å"Massacre in Meadows†brought westward emigration to an abrupt halt and Texas remained the main destination for
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Michael Milken Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Michael Milken - Essay Example Immediately after paying this debt, he resumed his lifelong philanthropic activities. Milken has promised that he will someday write his side of the controversy; but for now he feels it's less productive to focus on the past than to be involved in supporting the effort to accelerate medical solutions. Interviewer: Michael, that paragraph quoted from your website seems to imply that you don't believe you did anything wrong, that it was all a vast conspiracy to bring you down. Since you don't believe what you did was wrong, could you tell us whether you would do it again provided you didn't get caught MM: Ohh, that's a loaded question. First off let me point out that I violated the law and I was fined and I was imprisoned for almost 2 years of my life. So yes, what I did violated the law. There is a wider question though, and that is, how do we define what is wrong And I think that's the point being made on the website. The fact is I'm the only person in the history of that legislation to be prosecuted under it. And though I know I'm a fairly unique guy, I don't for one minute believe that I'm the only person who has violated that legislation.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Response to Stuart Keisman’s Reflection Essay Example for Free
Response to Stuart Keisman’s Reflection Essay I agree with what Stuart wrote about people using unique methods when they speak. Everybody does have their own, individual way of speaking, and this results from people’s personal character, combined with the environment that they were raised in. I have noticed this myself, but it also seems that people speak in different manners when they are around various people. The same person can sound like, or give others the impression of, a completely different person depending on how they speak in different environments. This particularly affects shy people. Around people that a shy person does not know very well, he or she may be reserved, but when in comfortable settings, he or she may be much more outgoing and talkative. This is also when people, such as myself, choose to use slang words or speak in familiar ways, but around strangers, people generally tend to speak in more formal manners. Stuart did a great job summarizing how most people operate when speaking. I do the same things that he described. In my own experience, I have basic ways of talking, but they are different when I am around different people. I find myself able to joke around with friends, where it would be hard for me, and make me uncomfortable to do the same with strangers or new acquaintances. In my life I have also noticed that people seem to form opinions about my character base on my word choice, just like people do about Stuart has when he refrains from using bad words. Also, when I joke around with people who do not have a good sense of humor, I find it harder to communicate or connect with them. If I were going to apply Stuart’s ideas to my teaching, I would emphasize the different word choices that people use when they are in particular settings. I think it is amazing that people may seem like different people when they are in school, or church, but they are their usual, relaxed self when in they are in familiar company. Identifying how people verbally react to particular settings is a great way to understand how individuals think and it provides insight to their character. Response to Jodi Arbus’ Reflection I agree with Jodi that particular regions of various countries have individual dialects. People in the Midwestern states speak very differently from people in the south, or northeast. Sometimes the accents are so strong that it is hard to understand what people from other parts of the country are even saying. But dialect, or accent, seems to result not at all from the personal character or word choice of someone, but from the environment he or she was raised in. People are able to adapt, and accents or dialects are examples of our adaptation, because we blend in with them. When we move to a new place, eventually most of us will lose our own accents and adopt the one of our new home. I do not know whether or not Jodi is right about male and female speech, as people of both sexes seem to have unrestricted speech characteristics based on their gender. In my own experience, I have noticed that my own accent separates me from certain people, and gives me something in common with other Mexican Americans. As English is my second language, I have a noticeable accent, and it lets people identify certain things about me. This accent also allows people to know things about how, and what community, I was raised in. Jodi also talked about the difference between male and female speech. I am not sure if I have noticed any differences other than that males usually use more slang and a more relaxed form of speech when in comfortable settings. I have also noticed the differences in formality that people use in certain areas. In the areas where I grew up, people often address each other in familiar tones, but when speaking to people from other areas, we are more formal. In the south, Jodi notices a key feature that people use when speaking: they are often very formal and courteous, even to people who are somewhat familiar. This is interesting, because in my experience, I have noticed that many people do not even address strangers in ways that are very formal or customary. But I have noticed that this is different in other areas. I would use what Jodi wrote in my teachings by emphasizing accents or dialects that people use. These are important ways of understanding the characters of individuals, and determining what is a result of people’s character, instead of a result of the environment they were raised in. Also, it would be important to teach the differences in language from certain regions. Not only are the accents different, but the formality may be different as well. In the south, where people address one another in more formal ways, and say ‘ma’am’ and â€Å"sir†more often , it is important to know the ways that people speak to know how to be inoffensive. So I would teach the differences in speech of certain regions, as that would help outsiders to seem friendly and polite when visiting. Understanding lingual characteristics in certain areas, and the differences from place to place will help people to communicate in friendly manners with people who are unfamiliar.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Chlorhexidine Or Povidone Iodine For Skin Preparation
Chlorhexidine Or Povidone Iodine For Skin Preparation The study was based on critical analysis and review of literature in evaluating the supremacy of skin preparation antiseptic between chlohexidine and povidone-iodine. Chlorhexidine gluconate can reduce the risk for catheter-related bloodstream infection by approximately 50% and should be used in preference as an preoperative antiseptic agent in clean-contaminated surgery in decreasing postoperative SSI. This study demonstrated ChloraPrep solution good value for money as its use for skin antisepsis with its significant per patient cost savings.Finally chlorhexidine gluconate is superior to povidone-iodine for preoperative antisepsis for patients. The study recommends that 2% Chlorhexidine and 70% alcohol be routinely used for the insertion of all indwelling devices such as CVCs, pacing wires, nephrostomies, and for the taking of all blood cultures. INTRODUCTION Surgical-site infection (SSI) increases morbidity, mortality, duration of hospital stay and expense after surgical procedures. The patient is recognized as endogenous reservoir for infections, especially Surgical -site infection; however, this same patient is the main focus for a disease free outcome .Skin preparation is defined as preparing the patients skin as bacteria free as possible through shaving, physical washing and chemical disinfection to reduce the number of microbes in the operative field of operation and thus prevent infection. Skin preparation should be done in a manner that protects and preserves integrity of the skin and prevents skin injury . Patient skin preparation which includes but not limited to , skin condition at surgical site, hair removal, skin preparation antiseptic used and any hypersensitivity reactions should be documented in the patient record according to the AORN Recommended practices for documentation of perioperative nursing care. This documentation helps in continuous quality improvement and follow-up of infection control. An effective skin-preparation solution is a vital step in preventing the surgical wound seeding with bacteria and ultimately preventing infection. Preoperative skin antisepsis is based on the information that a patients skin is a significant source of microbes. Povidone-iodine and chlorhexidine both destroy bacterial and structural integrity and have been studied more extensively.However the preferred preoperative skin preparation antiseptic agent is still unknown. METHODS This paper will be descriptive in nature as it tries to analyze the above clinical topic. Qualitative analysis provides a qualitative data that can be utilized to compare relatively and analyze the most effective choice of skin preparation antiseptic agent between povidone iodine and chlorhexidine . The source of information is through a review of various literatures and recent articles in relation to the above topic. This report will aim at providing an overview on the key aspects behind the choice of the preferred skin preparation antiseptic between chlorhexidine and povidone iodine based on the data gathered from the rich data base of various studies conducted. The report also aims at identifying drawbacks and shortcomings in various research studies based on the topic. ANALYSIS Perioperative is the term which includes preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases in the surgical episode of care. As RL Nichols, MD, states, The critical factors in postoperative infection prevention although difficult to be quantified, are the proper technique and sound judgment of the surgeon and surgical team, as well as the general health and disease state of the patient. This statement summarizes the importance of the perioperative teams relationship with the patient to ensure a disease-free outcome in the postoperative period. Healthcare is a dynamic ever changing science spiraling toward innovative technologies and interventions. The field of antiseptics is progressive with a system approach to gain an even better response in de-colonization of the skin while maintaining skin integrity. Preoperative skin preparation is performed to reduce the risk of postoperative wound infections. An ideal agent would destroy all bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and spores, non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, safe to use ,non-absorbable and have residual antiseptic activity(Hardin and Nichols 1997). The FDA further defines patient preoperative skin preparations as a rapid-acting, broad-spectrum, persistent antiseptic-containing preparation that significantly decreases the microbes on intact skin. An antiseptic should be selected based on certain criteria . Historically, antiseptic agents progressed from the age of alcohol and phenol to hexachlorophene, then povidone iodine followed by chlorhexidine gluconate agents with each agent having a distinct advantage. Now newer formulations offer an prolonged, enhanced and persistent efficacy with focus on patient safety. Product evaluation remains a vital process for selection of an antiseptic agent. Chlorhexidine as the choice of Skin preparation Antiseptic Chlorhexidine is a skin preparation antiseptic agent that has been used worldwide since 1954. It has a great track record of efficacy an safety in providing a disease free environment. Its applications are as diverse as hand wash, skin preparation(preoperative), vaginal preparation, gingivitis treatment and in baby shower to reduce incidence of neonatal sepsis. Chlorhexidine gluconate is a biguanide, water-soluble that binds to the negatively charged cell wall of bacteria, altering osmotic equilibrium of the bacterial cell. It is available commercially at a range of concentrations between 0.5%-4% and in combination with and without isopropyl alcohol . Role of Chlorhexidine in clean-contaminated surgery in relative to Povidone iodine A meta-analysis clinical trials by Noorani et al.,2010 was conducted to determine whether preoperative antisepsis with chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine reduced surgical-site infection in clean-contaminated surgery. The review involved six eligible studies with a database of 5031 patients. The validity of the study was under threat by heterogeneity which was assessed using CochransQ test. Chlorhexidine reduced postoperative surgical-site infection compared to povidone-iodine with a odds ratio of 0 ·68at a 95% confidence interval between 0 ·50 to 0 ·94,P=0.019. This inferred that Chlorhexidine should be used in preference as an preoperative antiseptic agent in clean-contaminated surgery in decreasing Postoperative SSI. The prospective study of about 150 patients undergoing Shoulder surgery by Saltzmann et al., 2009 found ChloraPrep (2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 70% isopropyl alcohol; Enturia, El Paso,Texas) to be more effective than both DuraPrep(0.7% iodophor and 74% isopropyl alcohol;3M Healthcare) and povidone-iodine at eliminating overall bacteria in particular coagulase negative staphylococcus. Propionibacterium acnes was cultured from 15% of the shoulders prepared with povidone-iodine, 12% of those with DuraPrep, and 7% of those prepared with ChloraPrep. The above results are in agreement with other studies by Malbach(1988) and Ostrander et al.,(2005) that have found the combination of chlorhexidine and alcohol to be highly effective . Role of Chlorhexidine in catheter -site care in relative to Povidone iodine Chaiyakunapruk et al .,2002 conducted a meta-analysis comparing chlorhexidine gluconate with povidone-iodine solutions for catheter site care. The above study to be included in the meta-analysis needed, 1) to be a randomized trial 2) to report the incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infection with sufficient data . They performed a meta-analysis of all available published and unpublished studies comparing povidone-iodine solution with chlorhexidine gluconate for care of the vascular catheter-site . The validity of this meta-analysis was threatened by: Publication bias, minimized by exhaustive search for published and unpublished studies in any language. Heterogeneity. The results of this meta -analysis may apply to most hospitalized patients in the United States and similar health care settings.However, the role of chlorhexidine gluconate in preventing catheter-related bloodstream infection cant be addressed in patients who are catheterized for an average of longer than 10 days and the potential additional benefit of chlorhexidine gluconate when an antimicrobial catheter is used (40, 41). The summary risk reduction for catheter-related bloodstream infection in the main analysis and the sensitivity analyses suggests that chlorhexidine gluconate solution reduces the risk for catheter-related bloodstream infection by approximately 50%. The superiority of chlorhexidine gluconate for catheter- site care has several potential explanations: Firstly blood, serum, and other protein-rich substances can deactivate the microbicidal effect of povidone-iodine (9,10) but not chlorhexidine gluconate (11,12). Second, the residual effect of chlorhexidine gluconate, defined as the long-term antimicrobial suppressive activity, is prolonged (at least 6 hours) (13,14), while that of povidone-iodine is minimal (15). The superiority of chlorhexidine gluconate compared with povidone iodine in reducing the coagulase-negative staphylococci colony counts has been earlier shown in a study of disinfection of catheter sites in peritoneal dialsis (16). Because most vascular catheter-related infections are caused by gram-positive cocci, the superior bactericidal effect of chlorhexidine gluconate against these organisms is likely to be clinically important. The use of chlorhexidine gluconate rather than povidone-iodine can reduce the risk for catheter-related bloodstream infection by approximately 50% in hospitalized patients who require short-term catheterization. It is absorbed poorly through clean adult skin which is intact and not damaged. The combination of chlorhexidine an intranasal mupirocin baths has been shown to reduce hospital acquired MRSA infection among ICU patients [8]. is non- flammable demonstrated as good value for money as the use of ChloraPrep for skin antisepsis in has shown reduced infection rates and cost . Chlorhexidine has broad spectrum against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, yeasts ,anaerobes and aerobes, and some enveloped viruses, including HIV . Chlorhexidine-based antiseptic preparations are more effective than iodophors in reducing the bacterial concentration in the operative field for foot-and-ankle surgery and vaginal hysterectomy. Chlorhexidine gluconate with Isopropyl alcohol Isopropyl alcohol is an extremely effective bactericidal agent that, in concentrations of 70% to 90%, disorganizes cell membrane lipids and denatures cellular proteins resulting in loss of their function. Both ChloraPrep and DuraPrep contain isopropyl alcohol and were more effective than povidone iodine at eliminating bacteria from the axillary region in the prospective study by Saltzmann et al.,2009. Ostrander et al. found fewer bacteria on feet prepared with ChloraPrep (2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 70% isopropyl alcohol; Medi-Flex, Overland Park, Kansas) than on those prepared with DuraPrep (0.7% iodin and 74% isopropyl alcohol; 3M Healthcare, St. Paul, Minnesota) or Techni-Care (3.0% chloroxylenol; Care-Tech Laboratories, St. Louis, Missouri) as the use of a combination of chlorhexidine gluconate and alcohol is perhaps a way to take advantage of their antiseptic properties. The low surface tension of isopropyl alcohol assists in penetration of irregular contours such as the axilla more effectively than other agents (6,7). The Cost factor for chllorhexidine Kelly et al.,2005 identified decreased infection rates with the use of ChloraPrep compared to chlorhexidene 0.5% and povidone iodine 10%. Thus the ChloraPrep solution for antisepsis also resulted in significant per patient cost savings relative to the 10% povidone-iodine(714 £) and 0.5% chlorhexidene solution(254 £).This study demonstrated ChloraPrep value for money as its use for skin antisepsis in a UK ITU population resulted in reduced infection rates and cost . Issues against Chlorhexidine as Skin preparation Antiseptic Based on the meta-analysis by Chaiyakunapruk et al (2002), additional issues should be considered regarding the use of chlorhexidine gluconate for catheter-site care : Hypersensitivity reactions including potential side effects such as increased erythema have been reported with use of central venous catheters and with use of chlorhexidine gluconate for pre-operative showers (17-21). Bacterial resistance is another potential concern, but is negligible despite its widespread use for several decades. The role of chlorhexidine gluconate in preventing catheter-related bloodstream infection in patients who are catheterized for longer duration( The potential additional benefit of chlorhexidine gluconate is unexplained when an antimicrobial catheter is used (22,23). the higher cost of chlorhexidine gluconate. However, although chlorhexidine is approximately twice as expensive as povidone-iodine, the absolute difference is relatively small . Inner ear contact may result in permanent deafness . Direct application of chlorhexidine on neural tissue in a rat specimen caused degeneration of adrenergic nerves .Thus, chlorhexidine for skin preparation before epidural catheters insertion, has been avoided for fear of damage to neural tissue. chlorhexidine products have not been established safe for use in children. It is non- sporicidal Povidone Iodine as the choice of Skin preparation Antiseptic Iodophors are effective against a wide range of bacteria and spores. The mode of action is by penetration of the cell wall and the oxidation and replacement of intracellular molecules with free iodine (Hardin and Nichols 1997). Iodophors are solutions of iodine with a stabilizing agent that releases free iodine (Department of Pharmacological Sciences 1980). Role of Povidone Iodine as Skin preparation Antiseptic There is a significant reduction in the bacterial count in the povidone iodine-ethanol group compared to chlorhexidine gluconate-ethanol group immediately after washing . Equally effective among skin antiseptics used in clean surgery. Most widely used antiseptic agents for surgical scrubbing . Rapidly acting antiseptic agent. Oldest antiseptic agent and hence widely available. Cost effective, cheap and easily available. Issues against Povidone Iodine as Skin preparation Antiseptic Cooper et al., evaluated the toxicity of common wound irrigants with use of a proven cell-viability assay and found povidone-iodine, even to be extremely toxic to fibroblasts and keratinocytes in concentrations of 0.5% (1/20th) of those used in clinical practice. The current article by Fletcher et al., 2007 synthesizes the best available evidence regarding use of preoperative skin preparation of the patient and surgeon in the hope that it will help physicians to reduce the incidence of postoperative wound infection. On an Overview Fletcher et al reviewed the best available literature in an attempt to help orthopedic surgeons to minimize surgical site infections in their patients and made the best possible recommendation below. The iodophors also act against common skin flora; however, their activity is much shorter than that of chlorhexidine gluconate. The effect of povidone-iodine is sustained for a shorter duration in skin in relative to chlorhexidine. The iodophors can be inactivated by blood or serum proteins and should be allowed to dry in order to maximize their antimicrobial action. In vitro studies by Cooper et al , have provided strong evidence that povidone-iodine may impair wound-healing and hence povidone-iodine should not be used for preparation of open wounds or on postoperative dressings A recent meta-analysis showed no difference in efficacy between chlorhexidine and povidone iodine; however, the rarity of infection in such situations probably explains the low power of the included studies. Based on the current literature review by Fletcher et al.,2007 published by The Journal of Bone and Joint surgery strongly suggests that chlorhexidine gluconate is superior to povidone-iodine for preoperative antisepsis for patients. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) The spread of multidrug-resistant organisms particularly methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospitals has become a major viewpoint, especially as community-associated MRSA strains have been a major cause of hospital acquired infections. It can be identified by skin culture in 8%-44% of patients admitted to the intensive care unit . A study by University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust was conducted to measure the impact of using ChlorPrep on the incidence of MRSA bacteraemia after the insertion of pacing wires,Central venous catheters and nephrostomies. The study found a numerical reduction of MRSA bacteraemia over the one-year study period which remained sustained. CONCLUSION Based on the benefit and small incremental cost, chlorhexidine gluconate should be considered as a replacement for povidone-iodine solution, particularly in patients at high risk for catheter related bloodstream infection. It can reduces the risk for catheter-related bloodstream infection by approximately 50%. Chlorhexidine should be used in preference as an preoperative antiseptic agent in clean-contaminated surgery in decreasing Postoperative SSI. The use of a combination of chlorhexidine gluconate and alcohol is perhaps a way to take advantage of their antiseptic properties..This study demonstrated ChloraPrep solution good value for money as its use for skin antisepsis with its significant per patient cost savings. Although povidone -Iodine is equally effective among skin antiseptics used in clean surgery, the effect of povidone-iodine is sustained for a shorter duration and can be inactivated by blood or serum proteins. Povidone-iodine may impair wound healing and hence avoided in open wound preparation and postoperative surgeries. Finally chlorhexidine gluconate is superior to povidone-iodine for preoperative antisepsis for patients. RECOMMENDATIONS The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that patients have a shower with an antiseptic on the night before surgery and to be applied to the skin at the site of incision. The Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust recommends that ChlorPrep(2% Chlorhexidine and 70% alcohol )be routinely used for all indwelling devices including CVCs, pacing wires, venipuncture and nephrostomies
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Television and Media Essay - TV and the Impact on Children :: Media Argumentative Persuasive Argument
Television and the Impact on Children         Have you ever wondered how television affects your children? The average child watches television 2 hours per week and most of this viewing is of violence or sexual acts. During this time there is a violent act shown every 6 minutes and on Saturday mornings there is 20 to 25 violent acts shown every hour on prime time t.v. especially in cartoons or animated programs. So no matter what your child is watching it is damaging their sense of imagination and creativity. Now there is no need for children to use their imagination and creativity anymore, television has even taken that away from them.         In today's generation television has a great influence on children. Unfortunately most of the programs watched by children have a negative impact and give the wrong impression of what really happens in everyday life. It also influences their development and their behaviours. "In fact childhood development experts say infants as young as 14 months old imitate behaviour they see on t.v and children up to the age of 5 lack the cognitive ability to distinguish fact from fantasy"(Internet; Children and television violence) Therefore what they see on t.v is what they are most likely to imitate. Cartoons are even showing numerous acts of violence and most of this violence is done by the "good guys". For example, Power Rangers; how do they get rid of the bad guys? by fighting . During the whole episode you see the "Rangers" kicking, punching and attacking the bad guys. Other shows like X-men, Sailor Moon, Looney Tones, and even Care Bears show violence towards others. It's no wonder children think it's okay to act this way when even their "Super Heroes" who are supposed to be the good guys are hurting others. They see the good guys doing these things and think it's appropriate.         I've notice even with my own cousin that when he has finished watching an episode of Power Rangers he tends to get aggressive and hyper-active. He copies the exact same moves that the Power Rangers use. It's almost like he believes he is one of them. He believes that when he punches people or kicks them that it doesn't hurt because that's what he sees on t.v. It's not like you see the characters ever show any pain. Even when he plays with his friends they pretend that they are Power Rangers vs. the bad guys and fight each other. Shows like this even have the use of guns, which I don't believe in.         In schools, teachers have noticed the difference between children who
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Summary :: essays research papers
King Duncan’s generals, Macbeth and Banquo, encounter three strange women on a bleak Scottish moorland on their way home from quelling a rebellion. The women prophesy that Macbeth will be given the title of Thane of Cawdor and then become King of Scotland, while Banquo's heirs shall be kings. The generals want to hear more but the weird sisters disappear. Duncan creates Macbeth Thane of Cawdor in thanks for his success in the recent battles and then proposes to make a brief visit to Macbeth's castle. Lady Macbeth receives news from her husband of the prophecy and his new title and she vows to help him become king by any means she can. Macbeth's return is followed almost at once by Duncan's arrival. The Macbeths plot together and later that night, while all are sleeping and after his wife has given the guards drugged wine, Macbeth kills the King and his guards. Lady Macbeth leaves the bloody daggers beside the dead king. Macduff arrives and when the murder is discovered Duncan's sons, Malcolm and Donalbain flee, fearing for their lives, but they are nevertheless blamed for the murder. Macbeth is elected King of Scotland, but is plagued by feelings of guilt and insecurity. He arranges for Banquo and his son, Fleance to be killed, but the boy escapes the murderers. At a celebratory banquet Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo and disconcerts the courtiers with his strange manner. Lady Macbeth tries to calm him but is rejected. Macbeth seeks out the witches and learns from them that he will be safe until Birnam Wood comes to his castle, Dunsinane. They tell him that he need fear no-one born of woman, but also that the Scottish succession will come from Banquo's son. Macbeth embarks on a reign of terror and many, including Macduff's family are murdered, while Macduff himself has gone to join Malcolm at the court of the English king, Edward. Malcolm and Macduff decide to lead an army against Macbeth. Macbeth feels safe in his remote castle at Dunsinane until he is told that Birnam Wood is moving towards him.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The dud Essay -- essays research papers
In â€Å"The Sacrificial Egg†Chinua Achebe presents the conflict between an African civilization called Igbo and Westernization, specifically Europeans. The story focuses on Kitikpa, a god of smallpox, ravaging the people of Umuru as seen from the emptiness of the market named Nkwo and the story’s main character Julius Obi as he indirectly experiences the effects of the evil god (Votteler 14). Being of African descent Achebe believes that no African writer can betray his heritage (Landow). As the story progresses the effects of the Europeans coming into contact with the Igbo people unfolds as it is seen from the prosperous Nkwo market, the fear imposed by Kitikpa, and the emptiness Julius experiences. The setting of â€Å"The Sacrificial Egg†provides the reader with a historical background regarding the issues seen in the story. The story takes place along the Niger River in Africa during the large up growth of European colonization as seen throughout Africa. The great market situated on the Niger River â€Å"was still busiest on its original Nkwo day†(425) despite it’s overflowing effects onto neighboring civilizations. Through the colonization of Umuru, many other close by inhabitants of Africa much like Julius Obi with Standard Six certificates discover work opportunities as clerks of the European Palm Oil trading company (Votteler 14). â€Å"Sometimes when the Chief Clerk was away he [Julius Obi] walked to the window and looked down on the vast anthill activity†(426). The people of Umu...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Profile faculty
As an excellent graduate in commerce faculty, it is my great honor to work with so many talented colleagues with versatile skills in professional accounting and advisory areas. More importantly, now I have enough confidence in assimilating this multicultural environment and master my current profession as soon as possible. Describe your Expertise. What do you enjoy most working with us?With the firm theoretic basis of accounting, marketing, planning and other relating knowledge as ell as my advisory and consulting practice, I have the ability to manage different clients involving in various problems and provide strategies to them. The most enjoyable part for me is that, I am always meeting with tough but exciting tasks which definitely exert my potential capability, both challenging and rewarding. Draw your Timeline about working experience. 2016– I achieved my first consulting project with satisfactory results and Joined the current consulting team as an associate. ? 2015â₠¬â€œ I completed my summer internship n PAW'S advisory group as an assistant. Introduce your unique Qualifications to us. 2015– I successfully passed the CPA exam. 2013– I finished my bachelor degree and was enrolled in the University of Adelaide as a postgraduate to continue my master degree of accounting in business profession. 2009–1 began my 4 years study in marketing profession at the University of International Relations (Beijing, China) as a freshman. What about your personal life outside the office? Balancing work and personal interests is indeed necessary.I always do sports to keep it and go shopping once a week to enhance my appearance. Sometimes I would like to travel with my friends to different countries and places. How can we improve you? It is a combination of challenge and opportunity working here. I was lucky enough to be offered this unique position from which I have the chance to contact different clients from all over the world. At the same t ime, the comfortable and friendly working atmosphere encourages me to work with full energy. Why not Join and become one of this lovely team? It is the best choice I have ever made! Profile By Leviathans
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Explain Why It Is Important to Recognise Essay
All these things will affect the opportunities each child receives and the breadth of the experiences they receive. The sooner any changes are spotted in a child or young person the the more help and support can be given to them and these can be addresses and referred to suitable agencies or professionals with in the school team. Example 1 A child that has been playing or standing alone during playtime for a few days in a row may find their development may become affected. It can affected a child’s social and intellectual development. Socially the child wouldn’t be playing with other children their age and this can affect confidence and self esteem, this in turn may affect them intellectually as the child maybe unwilling to work with the same children within the classroom and start to segregate themselves from their peers, due to this the may not learn the same as their peers and their experiences may becoming limited , they may find themselves learning at a different pace. Example 2 A child who has a hearing impairment may find their language skills being undeveloped or they may be delayed. This may then have a knock on effect with the child’s/young person’s ability to interact and socialise with others of the same age. Early recognitions means the child can be referred to appropriate agencies and special needs teachers within the school to assist and work with the child and help identify their needs and put in place a plan of action. Example 3 Abuse of any nature can affect a child’s development, it is important to look for signs of abuse in children/young people and follow child protection guidelines in any suspected cases of abuse. A once bright and chatty child may become withdrawn and shy away from adult attention. The child maybe showing signs of aggressive behaviour and/or exhibiting signs of self harm. Abuse can affect a child from infancy through to adolescence and then into adulthood. It can set back a child’s physical development, such as a tense mealtime can affect the child’s ability to eat. It can hold backs a child’s mental development such as their intelligence and memory and put the child at greater risk of developing mental health problems. Abuse can also affect a child’s emotional development , they may lack the ability to feel and to express a full range of emotions appropriately and/or the ability to control their own emotions. Abuse can also put a child at greater risk of developing one or more behavioural problems such as:- learning difficulties problems with relationships and socialising rebellious behaviour aggressive and violent behaviour anti social behaviour and criminality self isolating behaviour (making people dislike you) negative impulsive behaviour (not caring what happens to you) Example 4 Children and young people may find themselves going through a parental divorce or be part of a single parent family or they may have become part of a step family. They may even be part of a large family with several siblings. These circumstances can affect a child’s development, they may find themselves lacking support from a parent(s), they may find themselves being bullied within the home by step siblings or even their own siblings, there maybe the lack of a positive role model or someone to look up to. Some children living within a step family may find themselves being singled out or pick on, there may be friction between the two families. All these factors can cause stress upon a child/young person, they may cause them to have low self esteem and no confidence therefore impacting on a child’s social and emotional development. Example 5 A child that has difficulty using fine motor skills may be affected greatly and it is important that it is recognised and is responded as early as possible
Analysis of Obama’s Victory Speech
The presidential victory speech delivered by Barack Obama who is the president to be was held on November 4, 2008, in Grant Park, Chicago. It is about his won election for the office as the president. I will take a closer look on how Obama emphasizes his speech with stylistic devices. The speech is divided into four parts. The first part is from ll. 1-26, the second from ll. 27- 70, the third from ll. 71-9 and the last from ll. 95-105. In the first part of the speech Obama uses many stylistic devices. He makes repetitions (â€Å"three hours, four hours†, l. 0), (â€Å"Blue States†, l. 20, â€Å"United States†, l. 21) to underline his ideas and to emphasize that people waited long to have the chance to vote even for the first time (ll. 7-13) and that the USA is one state (ll. 18-21). He also uses a metaphor (â€Å"arc of history†, l. 25) to evoke the picture of a unity that hopes together and that believes as one in the American Dream. Obama also refers to the American Dream in the first lines where he wants the audience to think about it and he wants the listeners to ask themselves if they believe in it.He tries to get the attention by addressing the audience (â€Å"If there is anyone out there†¦ †, l. 1). In addition to that he makes many anaphoras (â€Å"who still†, ll. 1,3,4) to underline the importance of the American Dream to the Nation. With an enumeration (ll. 14-17) he shows that everyone not only the rich but also the poor have something to say and have a choice. In the middle section of the speech Obama uses personifications (â€Å"†¦ the enormity of the task that lies ahead. †, l. 40) to point out the importance of the things that have to be done.With an enumeration (â€Å"l. 45) he involves the audience to show them which work they have to expect. Another point is that he uses repetitions (â€Å"I will†, ll. 51, 52, 53) and (â€Å"There†, l. 50) to make the listeners understa nd that he will be there for everyone and that he will never leave them with no hope. With a metaphor (â€Å"†¦ if Americas beacon still burns as bright-†¦ †, l. 67) he tries to give the people hope that America will always be the same strong Nation as it was.The third part starts with an example of a women (ll. 3-79) with which Obama wants the listeners identify with him and wants to show that he is just a human being as everyone else. After the example fallows an enumeration (ll. 80- 82) which emphasizes the strengths with which the women stands for her country because there were many things which she had seen but it is an example which says that she never lost her faith and that everyone else should act like her. The repetition (â€Å"New†, l. 86) shows that Obama wants to create something new and wants the audience to feel so, too.He arouses the audience`s emotions in giving the anaphora â€Å"Yes we can†(ll. 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 94, 104) which he uses very often to stabilize the feeling of triumph in the listeners and to make them want to feel supported that they want to and can change something. With another enumerations (ll. 91-92) Obama wants to tell everyone what happened in the world which was from importance and that this little thing a women did (â€Å" And in this year, in this election, she touched her finger on a screen, and cast her vote,†¦ †, ll. 92. 3) is as important as moving events in the world`s history.The last part is emphasized by Obama because he gives rhetorical questions (â€Å"†¦, what change will they see? †, l. 97, â€Å"What progress will we have made? †, ll. 97-98) that should make the people think about what they did, what they changed and what they will change. In the last sentences Obama uses many anaphoras (â€Å" This is our†, l. 99), and repetitions (â€Å"to†, ll. 99, 100, 101, â€Å"we†, l. 102) to give the importance of his last words an d to make the readers listen to what he has to say what is important.He tries to wake the readers up and wants to give the message of of his speech across. That nobody has to be afraid to loose because if he tries he can win. In the last sentence he thanks the audience in the way if saying that God watches everyone. To say this he uses another repetition (â€Å"God†, l. 105) to make the audience clear that he really wants the best for everyone. To conclude Obama wants to make his speech understood and he wants to get his message across by using many stylistic devices and examples where he always refers to the American Dream.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Macroeconomics Equilibrium GDP
1. Move the green pointer on the horizontal axis to an income level of 430. Then click on the â€Å"income adjustment†button. What happened? Why did income return to equilibrium at 470? The GDB rises to restore equilibrium. This is because at GDP=430, the aggregate expenditures is higher than production. This is a state of imbalance so that production opportunities will rise to match the total spending. 2. Move the green pointer on the horizontal axis to an income level of 510. Then hit the â€Å"income adjustment†button. What happened? Why did income return to equilibrium at 470? GDP decreases to restore equilibrium. This is because at GDP=510, production is higher than aggregate expenditures. This means that there will an excess in production. The excess will force production to reduce to maintain profitability until equilibrium point is achieved. So GDP will always return to equilibrium point of 430 where aggregate expenditure equals production. 3. What happened to Income in Chapter 10 exercise when Investment was increased? Income also increases as indicated by GDP line at 6000. 4. Explain why the resulting increase in equilibrium Income was greater than the change in Investment spending. Investment will produce some level of gains or in numbers this is a multiplier. This gain (multiplier) is what causes the GDP change in equilibrium to be higher. 5. Give three real-world forces that could cause a â€Å"shift in Aggregate Demand.†5.1 An increase in consumption will increase the Aggregate Demand. 5.2 An increase in government expenditure will increase the Aggregate Demand. 5.3 An increase in net export will increase the Aggregate Demand. 6. Give three real-world forces that could cause a â€Å"shift in Aggregate Supply.†6.1 An increase wages and salaries will increase the Aggregate Supply. 6.2 Education and Training will shift the Aggregate Supply. 6.3 Research and Development will shift the Aggregate Supply. References C. MacConnell, S. Brue (2005). Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 16/e. Graphing Exercise: Equilibrium GDP (Chapter 10.1). Retrieved January 27, 2007 from
Friday, September 13, 2019
Marketing Communications in McDonalds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Marketing Communications in McDonalds - Essay Example The company that is the subject of this research is McDonald’s as a global retailer in the food services category that operates based on 35,000 different retail outlets spanning across different international regions, A large number of outlets of the company contributes in serving the needs of around 70 million consumers spanning across 100 nations. The company aims at generating a place where consumers can effectively visit for eating and drinking activities. McDonald’s aims to entice the customers through the provision of quality foods and services such that the same help in meeting the parameters of quality, cleanliness and value addition to the customers. The meeting of the above parameters is taken to rightly contribute to generating effective customer experiences such that the same encourages in making the customers to gain frequent visits to the stores. McDonald’s aims to expand along different countries through the development of franchisees in that the s ame contribute to helping the company to effectively blend its corporate culture with the national culture of the region. The company operates based on serving the needs of both its internal and external stakeholders like employees and customers respectively through working based on needed integrity and ethics. It also works in the meeting of sustainable objectives pertaining to taking care of natural and social environment where it tends to conduct its business operations. Marketing Communication activities are conducted by the business organizations with its targeted customers, both existent and of potential nature along different stages relating to pre-sales, sales and finally relating to the post-sales stage. Marketing Communication activities are conducted by a company in an integrated fashion such that different types of promotional and communication tools are utilized to rightly communicate with targeted individuals, and other potential groups and interested communities. Diff erent types of marketing and promotional tools like the use of advertising through the use of print, broadcasting and online mediums, direct marketing activities, sales promotion, personal selling and also through the use of publicity campaigning can be effectively integrated to generate considerable awareness among the targeted consumers relating to the products and services marketed.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Drugs and brain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Drugs and brain - Research Paper Example It is advisable to take legal drugs for recreation since the bureau of standards checks them whereas illegal drugs may be unfit for human consumption since no standardization is done. Drugs acts on the brain by altering the normal functioning of the body which can be either sudden or with time. Normally, the brain communicates through neurotransmitters, which are recycled once they have performed their function. When a drug is introduced in to the human body, it leads to excess transmitters in the brain since it inhibits their recycling and this result to exaggerated functioning of the brain leading to the visual or psychological effects of the drug. Drugs are chemical substances that alter the normal functioning of the body. People take drugs with different motives, some follow doctors prescription while others take drugs for pleasure. Drugs can be either legal or illegal. Legal drugs include medicines, which are taken to relief the body from pain and illnesses and recreational drugs like beer, and cigarettes, which are taken for pleasure. Drugs can either be manufactured like or obtained naturally. For example, medicines like Aspirin and paracetamol and recreational drugs like beer and heroine are manufactured drugs while most herbal medicines and recreational drugs like tobacco are obtained naturally (Watts, 2004). The human brain is part of the nervous system enclosed in the cranium and consists of a soft convoluted mass of gray and white matter weighing around three pounds. The brain is the most necessity in human beings since it controls every functioning of the body. The human brain is divided into three main parts, the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem and each part performs a specific function. The cerebrum is the outermost part of the brain and divided in to four sections called lobes. Lobes are responsible for processing signals from our senses thus enabling us to see, smell,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Family Health Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Family Health Assessment - Essay Example â€Å"Partnership, participation and equality†of the nurse health visitor and the family could be promoted (WHO, 2001). Even if there were no health needs at the first visit, the health visitor would be notified when there were any. Planning and delivery of the services comprising of the most effective care was possible. The nurse health visitor could practice the ethics of equity in her approach to care. Social justice could be meted out. Through collaborative association with the community, other agencies and professionals, she would deal with the issues at hand. I have selected Mr. Edwin’s family for assessment. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin had two children and the grandmother staying with them. a).Values and Health perception To my questions about illnesses, the obvious answer was that there was nobody ill in that house. My perceptions were against this notion. Mr. Edwin and Mrs. Edwin and Mr. Edwin’s mother Clara, looked undernourished. The elder boy of five, John, l ooked normal and appeared naughty. The baby of eight months seemed okay but she did not have dentition yet. Their health needs had not yet been recognized by them. Seventy-eight old Mrs. Clara was definitely unable to look after herself due to her confusion, memory loss, incontinence for stools and urine. This family had health-seeking behaviors with incomplete health maintenance. Each had to have a health regime management to support them (Weber, 2005). b). Nutrition At eight months, the baby had only milk (both breast and otherwise) and she had not been weaned yet. This could answer for her lack of dentition. John had been introduced to the food of the house which included fruits, vegetables and cereals but his preferences of chocolate and ice-cream were given value and it made things easier for the mother, what with the baby to look after. Mr. Edwin had alcoholism which caused his malnourishment. Mrs. Edwin who was breastfeeding did not bother to have sufficient milk or extra veg etables or fruits to support her health. Mrs. Clara had to take her own food as the others were too busy. Due to her memory loss and poor executive functions, she was irregular in food intake, hardly bathed and was generally looking fatigued and dirty. Her skin was terribly wrinkled due to dehydration and inadequate nutrition. They could all be described as ready for enhanced nutritional metabolic pattern (Weber, 2005). Mrs. Clara had a risk for impaired skin integrity due to her age and her dehydrated state (Weber, 2005). Her skin was turning red at pressure points even though she was still ambulant. Impaired nutrition, delayed weaning and impaired skin integrity were the diagnoses for this family where nutrition was concerned (Weber, 2005). c) Sleep/Rest Mrs. Clara indicated a readiness for enhanced sleep pattern (Weber, 2005). She had a disturbed sleep pattern probably due to her changed neurological functions. Mrs. Edwin had sleep deprivation because she was the only one looking after the baby and her mother-in-law kept calling her for some reason or the other as her sleep was disturbed (Weber, 2005). Her husband did not participate in any of these duties. Mrs. Edwin at times used to give her mother-in-law sleeping pills to enable her to sleep so that Mrs. Edwin herself could get some sleep. Mr. Edwin’
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing Management - Essay Example One of the greatest differences between marketing to business and marketing to consumers is that B2B marketing is more dependent on relationship building, thus increasing the value of relationship and building brand identity on the basis of personal relationship. Another difference is that the target market is smaller and should be carefully identified. A marketing strategy for the business market should be developed taking into consideration multi-step buying process and longer sales cycle. In addition, while the goal of consumer marketing is to make a shopper a customer (emotional buying decisions can be made), the major aim of business marketing is to provide the business with business value – organizations, in most cases, make rather rational buying decisions. Therefore, multiple individuals within the target organization should be educated on the value of the product, because business procurement is a multi-step process. Historically, the auto industry is heavily affected by the 5 external environments (macro-level). For each of the five (social/cultural, political and legal, competitive, technological, and economic) discuss three aspects within each environment that would impact the marketing planning for the next couple of years.
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Aviator Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Aviator - Movie Review Example This article is a review of the movie looking into the themes, character, style and narratives. The information presented in this article is obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The primary source is through watching the films and trying it analyze the characters and finding out the themes. The secondary sources are the reviews that have been conducted by various authors on the movie. Different reviewers have given their views on the style and the representation of characters in the film. These sources were used to get the plot of the story and style used. The narrative style together with other techniques of film making is explored. The characters were then analyzed against each other (Marrett, 195). The different themes are then explored and the role each character played in the realization of these themes discussed. The movie starts when Hunges is a young boy where his mother tells him to take caution not to get a flue. Then in the year 1927, Hunges inherits his family fortune in California. He uses this fortune to design oil drilling bits a venture that made him a billionaire. Later when he was 22, he decided to invest in the film industry an area where he had a huge interest in. His first film was the silent Hells Angel which he works very hard to ensure that it turns out perfectly. His next film had some talking and was called The Jazz Singer. During this time, he also produced a sound version of the Hells Angel which became a major Hollywood hit. This was a key to entry into the Hollywood social network and he dated two Hollywood stars Jean Harlow and Katharine Hepburn. However, he did not quite fit into Hollywood and he decided to go back to designing aircrafts. He made new design and even risked his life trying out new aircrafts and flying around the globe. He even got into an accident ov er Beverly Hills when taking XF-11 for a test flight. He got major injuries that
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Response to Beger, Sturken and Cartwright Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Response to Beger, Sturken and Cartwright - Essay Example ," implying that ladies present themselves in the way that they might want to be thought about, an exceptionally latent method for acting, while men only act without intuition as profoundly into what their movements mean and how they are seen. In the article, "Spectatorship," writers Sturken and Cartwright depict in subtle element Spectatorship, Discourse and Power, and Knowledge. The distinction between the "...spectator (the person who looks) and spectatorship (the act of looking)," is the fundamental thought for the spectatorship area. They discuss the "look" and how despite the fact that the terms for observer and spectatorship change, the idea is constantly significant. For talk and power, Sturken and Cartwright portray how, "In innovation, the look is constituted through a relationship of subjects characterized inside and through the talks of establishments." They depict photography as a focal topic of social situations and movements since the nineteenth century. The look is dictated by media and who has the force in any given relationship, for example, a writer over a witness. In the John Berger article, I was somewhat befuddled as to if individuals still view his compositions and notions on men and ladies as substantial in today’s pop culture. Does Berger imagine that all men and ladies act inside these rules without variety? In the Sturken and Cartwright article, I was confounded about the look and if the look helps one increase force or if force is now decided before a look happens. Will a look change the movement in force between two individuals? I could not help contradicting John Bergers general stance in his article about the way men and ladies are seen. I believe that there are sorts of men and ladies that demonstration these routes, yet there exist such a huge figure of sorts of individuals and not all men and ladies simply aimlessly act in the ways he depicts. I couldnt help contradicting Sturken and Cartwrights stance on force between people
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Summary for two articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summary for two articles - Essay Example The general increase in the temperatures has had significant effects to the environment. The increase in temperatures has had several effects, which the report has outlined and discussed. The rise in sea level has been due to increasing global temperatures, with the level rising at the rate of 1.8 mm/yr since 1968. This is a result of thermal expansion, melting of glacier and ice caps and polar ice sheets, creating a worrying trend to the world. Increased warming has also been the cause of decrease in snow and ice cover in both northern and southern hemispheres. Increased temperatures have also led to increase in precipitation especially in eastern parts of North and South America, northern parts of Europe and northern and central parts of Asia. However, there has been a report of decrease in precipitation in Sahel, Mediterranean, southern Africa, and parts of Asia. Another indicator of changing climatic conditions is the increase in warm days, warm nights, and a decrease in cold day s and cold nights. Intense tropical cyclone activities have also significantly increased in the north Atlantic since the 1970s, although there is no substantial of such increase elsewhere (Metz 22-24). Causes of Climatic Changes Greenhouse gas and aerosols concentration, changes in land cover and solar radiations are responsible for alterations in the energy balance of the climate system. Greenhouse gas emissions have increased significantly in the last few decades and especially from 1970s. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, with the biggest contributor being burning of fossil fuels. Methane (CH4) is another greenhouse gas that which comes from agricultural activities and use of fossil fuels. Both carbon dioxide and methane gases contribute significantly to increase in global temperatures significantly. The last 50 years have witnessed increase global temperatures due to increased greenhouse gas emissions (Metz 198). Impact of Pro jected Climate Change Evidence highly supports mitigation policies on climatic change and related sustainable development practices on greenhouse gases will keep an upward increase over the next few decades. This emission, the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios, has projected to 90% in the 2000 to 2030 period. The report points out that fossil fuels will contribute the largest amount of the greenhouse gases. If the emission of these gases remain at the current rate or increase even with a minute percentage are likely to cause more damages and higher temperatures than those witnessed in the 20th century. This means that forest cover, snow and ice cover will reduce significantly, while the sea level will keep rising until the point when these trends will change. The acidity of the ocean is likely to increase, posing a threat to the aquatic life, and these changes are likely to affect human life more than they will affect other systems for example reduced agricultural productio n increasing areas affected by hunger. Adaptations and Options of Mitigation A variety of options to curb the increasing climatic change is available, but the only best way to change this is the reduction of the vulnerability of the climatic change. However, a number of barriers, costs, and limitations, that has yet to be evaluated. Societies have been on the front in trying to manage the impact of climate changes. Additional measures to reduce these
Friday, September 6, 2019
Chemistry of Anti-money Counterfeiting Technology Essay Example for Free
Chemistry of Anti-money Counterfeiting Technology Essay I. Abstract Counterfeiting money is a big business for criminals. Nearly $70 million of fake currency gets used daily, costing consumers millions. In the present day, there are many new technologies that have been discovered and studied in order to help put counterfeiters out of business. Our currency is something that we must protect, which is why these technologies and discoveries are very important in the safety and development of our economy. The new generation of Philippine banknotes includes new and more advanced technology to ensure the safety of the genuine Philippine banknotes. This is to prevent money counterfeiting in our country. These new features include more advanced photo editing, which features micro printing on the different images and texts on the banknotes, a unique rough texture, a new system of serial numbering, advanced security fibers and security threads, watermark technology, and optically variable ink. These are the most advanced and efficient methods of preventing money counterfeiting today. Provided in this paper is a detailed explanation and description of each security precaution and a detailed review of the methods used to execute them. II. Denominations of Currency The new generation Philippine banknotes composes of the denominations twenty, fifty, one hundred, two hundred, five hundred, and one thousand peso bills. The new twenty-piso bill honors President Manuel L. Quezon, the first President of the Republic of the Philippines on the front of the bill while the reverse shows the image of the breathtaking Banaue Rice Teraces and the Palm Civet from the Cordilleras. The fifty-piso bill commemorates President Sergio Osmeà ±a who led our country at the critical stage of World War II. The reverse shows an image of the Taal Lake, one of the world’s smallest active volcanoes and the Maliputo Fish. The one hundred-piso bill pays tribute to President Manuel Roxas who prioritized the crafting of the Central Bank charter then provided the leadership for the reconstruction of our country after the devastation of the Second World War. On the reverse, the near perfect cone-shaped Mayon Volcano and the Butanding or Whale Shark is also featured. The two hundred-piso bill features President Diosdado Macapagal who restored the celebration of Philippine independence on June 12. The reverse features the unique icon of Bohol, the Chocolate Hills and the Tarsier. The five hundred-piso bill is a salute to the champions of Philippine democracy, Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. and President Corazon Aquino. The reverse features the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. Finally, the one thousand-piso bill features three of our war heroes, Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos, Josefa Llanes Escoda, and General Vicente P. Lim. The reverse features the Tubbataha Reefs National Marine Park and the world famous South Sea Pearl. Figure 1 The money denominations come in specific color schemes of orange for the twenty-piso bill, red for the fifty-piso bill, violet for the one hundred-piso bill, green for the two hundred-piso bill, yellow for the five hundred-piso bill, and blue for the one thousand-piso bill. III. Security Features The Philippine Banknote or the Philippine Peso Bill finds the need to be current with the use of new technology to enhance the security of banknotes to remain impossible to replicate by criminals. The new generation Philippine banknotes incorporates the latest available technology in banknote security. This is the reason that they have developed new designs and upgraded the security features of all our banknotes. A. Photo Editing The Central bank of the Philippines uses a special photo editing software to ensure specific prints that are impossible to copy by criminals. Some of these specifications include nano prints on the images, lines, and words on the banknotes. B. Texture The note is not smooth to the touch, but a bit rough. This is because the bank notes are made of 80% cotton and 20% Philippine Abaca. Aside from that, the raised prints that are embossing from the Intaglio printing process give the bill a unique tactile feel. Intaglio printing is a printing technique in which the image is incised into a surface. Normally, copper (Cu) or zinc (Zn) are used, and the incisions are created by etching ot engraving the image. In printing, the surface is covered in ink and then rubbed vigourously with tartalan cloth or newspaper to remove ink from the surface, leaving it in theincisions. The very sharp printing obtained from the intaglio process is hard to imitate by other means. Intaglio also allows for the creation of latent images, which are only visible when the document is viewed at a very shallow angle. Figure 2 C. Serial Numbers The serial numbers are composed of one or two prefix letters and six to seven digits in asymmetric or increasing size. Serial numbers are not difficult to forge; yet they make banknotes easier to track and audit. Figure 3 D. Security Fibers The paper used to print our currency has tiny threads of fibers embedded into the paper. These red and blue fibers glow under ultraviolet light. If the bill has no red and blue fibers that glow, then it is probably a fake bill. Fluorescent marks are the invisible phosphor dyes on banknotes that glow under UV or blacklight. This glow will be visible under a money detector device. There are two kinds of security fibers. The first one is the visible security fibers. These are easily seen in current Philippine banknotes as the blue and red fibers that are randomly spread throughout the front and back of the paper. The other kind is the invisible security fiber. These glow a fluorescent yellow under ultraviolet light. Genuine security fibers in Philippine banknotes can be easily plucked out (yes, try it!) with the aid of a needle. Counterfeit money usually only prints the fibers on paper, thus they cannot be plucked out. Figure 4 E. Watermarks The watermark shows a shadowed image of the portrait and the banknotes’ denomination on the blank space when viewed against the light from either side of the bill. This is possible due to paper density variations. Figure 5 The word â€Å"Pilipino†, written in our ancient Filipino alphabet, Baybayin, can be seen in its complete form when the banknote is viewed against the light. F. Concealed Value When the banknote is rotated at a 45-degree angle and tilted downwards, we can see the concealed denominational value super imposed on the smaller version of the portrait. Figure 7 G. Security Threads Both the twenty-piso and the fifty-piso have a 2mm wide security thread that can be visible when viewed against the light. The one hundred, two hundred, five hundred, and one thousand-piso bills have a 4mm wide stich-like security thread embedded on the bill and when viewed from different angles, its color changes from red to green. The embedded security thread is a special thread vertically implanted off center of the note during the manufacture of the banknote paper. The front of the thread carries a clear text – the initials of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the numeric denomination of the bank note. The back of the thread is also printed with the initials BSP. There are two kinds of security threads. One is a thin aluminum (Al) coated and partly demutualized polyester film thread with microprinting, which is embedded in the security paper as banknote or passport paper. The other kind of security thread is the single or multicolor sewing thread made from cotton or synthetic fibers, mostly UV fluorescent, for the bookbinding of passport booklets. Figure 8 H. Optically Variable Device Patch The five hundred-piso bill and the one thousand-piso bill have the optically variable device patch, a reflective foil. For the five hundred-piso bill, it reveals the small BSP (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas) logo and the blue parrot, while the one thousand-piso bill reveals the small BSP logo and the South Sea Pearl inside a clam. The patches change color from red to green when the note is rotated 90-degrees. Figure 9 I. Optically Variable Ink A security feature exclusive to the one thousand-piso note is the optically variable ink for the embossed denomination value on the lower right corner on the face of the banknote, which changes color from green to blue when it is viewed in different angles. Color changing inks are inks containing pearlescent pigments that change color when viewed at a different angle. The color of the ink does not actually change, but the angle of the light to the viewers eye changes and thus creates the change in color. A number of types are available, including green to purple, gold to green and green to lilac. Optically variable inks (OVI) are very expensive inks applied on banknotes as a security feature. So far, only the 1000 peso bills have this. There are two versions of OVI printing on the 1000 peso banknotes. This is an excellent security feature because counterfeiters will need a lot of effort and money to replicate it. They are called optically variable inks because tiny flakes of color-shifting film are incorporated in the intaglio ink. Thus, prints of OVI change color when viewed from different angles.
Defects of Consent Essay Example for Free
Defects of Consent Essay A defect of consent is a situation where a party’s declaration does not reflect his actual intent. This difference between declaration and intent may be caused by other parties,in order to make someone to form a contract with themselves. Fraud and Duress are this kind of defects. Roughly,fraud is deceiving someone by hiding certain facts or giving them a wrong impression/information in order to make them form a contract and duress is scaring or threatening someone to make them form a contract. If there is a difference between declaration and intent,which unintentionally resulted from the declarant,we can say there is an error. In some cases,both parties are mistaken about contract. Such defects are called â€Å"Collective Error†. In these situations,contract is formed by parties’ true intent,not according to their false statements. Error In the TCO article 30,the law states that â€Å"A party acting under an essential error when entering into a contract is not bound by it. †Interpreting this article,we can deduce that essentiality is a key concept,since unessential errors will not affect validity of the contract. Some aspects of essential error are specified in TCO,but law does not limit cases of essential error with those articles. Unwritten states of essential error are determined by the rules of good faith. Error may occur in several ways: Error in declaration In the TCO article 31 the law sets forth: An error is deemed particularly essential in the following cases 1-Where a party intended to conclude a contract different from that to which he consented. A wants to sell 100 kilos of olive oil to B,but during the formation of the contract, A inadvertently states that he wants to buy 100 kilos of olive oil and B agrees the offer. -Where a party has concluded a contract relating to a subject matter other than the subject matter he intended. A wants to buy E branded good,but during the formation of the contract he states he wants to buy F branded good by mistake and is not aware of it. 3-Where a party declared his intent to conclude the contract other than the whom he intended to. A wants to send an offer via mail to B,but he writes a different adress and mail goes to C. C accepts the offer. 4-Where a party took a specific person into consideration as the other party in entering a contract but declared his intent to another. A is a nanny who wants to raise B’s child C,but during the formation of the contract she stated the name of B’s mentally deficient child D. A is mistaken about someone’s identity,not someone’s qualifications. Otherwise it would be error in motive,which shouldn’t be confused. 5- Where a party has promised to make a significantly greater performance or has accepted a promise of a significantly lesser consideration than he actually intended. Error in calculation of a simple nature do not affect the validity of the contract;but they should be corrected. A good should have 10. 000 dollars written on its label but accidently 1000 dollars is writtenon label. A buys the good for 1000 dollars. Error of Agents The law states in TCO article 33 that â€Å"Where an offer to enter into a contract has been incorrectly communicated by a Messenger,translator or other agents or by any means,the provisions governing error are applicable†. Error of agents are counted as error in declaration. Mistranslation,misinforming,changes in the text during telegraphing†¦ are examples of such errors. Error by Considering a Demeanour as Consent When a party’s action is considered as an offer or acceptance by another party,and the other party is right to consider this as such and forms the contract,contract will be valid. However mistaken party can put forward that he is mistaken and benefit from the provision of error in declaration. Texts signed without reading If a party signs a text without reading ,and is right to think that the text suits his intent,outcome is determined by the other party’s knowledge about this intent. If the other party knows or has to know that text does not suit signer’s intent,contract will not have been formed and thus there will not be any need for provisions of error. On the other hand,if the other party does not know or have to know the signer’s intent,contract will be formed,but signing party by proving that the error is essential,can benefit from provisions of error in declaration. Signature in Blank One of the parties agree to sign in blank first,then allow other party to constitute the contract. If this contract formed later on has contents which do not suit signing party’s actual intent,he can benefit from provisions of error. Error in Motive Error in motive is caused by an error in the formation of intent. On principle,error in motive is not essential. If there are conditions prescribed by the law,there is an essential error in motive. In TCO article 32,the law sets forth that â€Å"Error in motive is not deemed as essential unless the mistaken party deems the motive as necessary basis for the contract and it is valid regarding the business affairs in good faith. Yet this rule is not applicable unless the other party is aware of this motive†According to this article,error in motive is essential if the party deems this motive as necessary basis for the contact. This means the party is mistaken about a subject or qualifications of someone which affected his decision to form the contract. Error in material qualification,error in fact,error in legal status are examples of such mistakes. A wants to buy sculpor B’s statue but in fact the statue is a replica. In this situation there is error in material qualification. A thinks he is assigned to a job in another city,so he rents a house in that city. He made an error in fact. A purchases a land to build a house,but does not know construction is forbidden on this site. He is mistaken about land’s legal status. Also if other party is or has to be aware of the motive,error is deemed as essential. This should be determined in the present case. Avoidability In TCO art. 30 the law stipulates that â€Å"A party acting under an essential error when entering into a contract is not bound by it. †However this is limited by TCO art. 39. The contract will be valid if the mistaken party does not abolish the contract in a year,beginning from the moment he realises his error. Good Faith Rules in Error Right to avoid is also limited by the law. The law states in TCO art. 34 that â€Å"A person may not advance error in a manner in violation of good faith. In particular, the contract is considered to be concluded in a way that the party acting in error intended, in case the other party declares his consent to be bound by that contract. †Violation of good faith mentioned in the first subsection may be like this: A person learns that he made an essential error about a contract which he concluded years ago. He wants to use his right to avoid just to damage other party. In that case he will not be able to benefit from provisions of error since it is a violation of good faith. Second subsection of this provision is particularly important. I wish to give a case in this point,in order to better explain it: A wants to buy a kilo of fruit for 2 Liras,but he is mistaken and accepts B’s offer to buy a kilo for 3 Liras. Then A states his mistake to B,B immediately says he is ready to sell it for 2 Liras. In this situation A cannot put forward that he wants to nullify the contract,since he made an essential error. The contract is formed. Error by Negligence According to TCO art. 35 â€Å"A party acting in error is liable for any loss arising from the nullity of the agreement where the error is attributable to his own negligence. However, there is no compensation if the other party knew or should have known of the error. In the interests of equity, the Court may, not exceeding the benefit of standart performance, award further damages to the injured party. †The first subsection is about responsibility of parties’ actions before the formation of the contract (culpa in contrahendo). Even a slightest negligence in error results in culpa in contrahendo,and in such situations damages will be compensated. According to the second sentence of this subsection,there will not be any compensations if the other party knew or should have known of the error. But this provision is not applicable to error of declaration,since if the other party knew or should have known the error in declaration,contract is formed according to the declarant’s real intent. Yet if a party knows or has to know other party made an error in motive,mistaken party will not have to compensate any damages even if he abolishes the contract. Amount of the damage that will be compensated,is the damage that would not exist if the contract would not be formed. This kind of damage is â€Å"negative damage†. Benefit of the standart performance is named as â€Å"positive damage†. According to the second subsection,judge may decide further damages. This â€Å"further damage†is compensation of positive damage. Amount of positive damage that must be compensated may be some of the positive damage or all of the positive damage,determined by equity,but cannot exceed positive damage.
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